Saturday, April 22, 2006
Quick guide on downloading

(click the immage to see it actually do something)

Almost everyone has head of P2P downloads (peer to peer). Some of us use Ares, some of us use kazza, some of us use irc, some of us use bit torrent.
The common p2p type use programs like Ares and kazza . Thay are ok, but not great. Ares is probably the best. Kazza is horrible. Stay away from lime wire, DO NOT USE LIME WIRE. That program is the DEVIL. Don't even poke it with a stick(although that is probably where it got most of it's holes). Bare share, horrid, people have there preferences. Mine is Ares, use whatever you like, except kazza, bareshare, AND NO LIMEWIRE.
Then there is IRC(internet relay chat), most people have been to chat rooms before, all you child molesters out there, this is for you. It is rather complicated, but almost impossible to shut down. The chat clients(programs) usually work with a website, and people post files, and then send them over the irc client (chat program) to a few people at a time. This is for the more advanced pirates of the internet, and not for slow connections, Sorry kris, your out. I would recommend mIRC, although I am not sure what web site they use. And to all you rapers of the children, just use this for the kiddy pr0n, rather then the real thing if you wouldn't mind.
Now, for my favorite, BitTorrent, there is a great article, and picture, on wikipedia. Bacially it takes the file, rips is appart, sends the pieces to other people, they send it to each other, untill everyone gets the file. So you can start uploading the file as soon as you start downloading, creating some extreamley fast download speeds. You download the client(program) on to your computer, then got to a traker(web site that trakes torrents) and pick the ones you want to download. I recomend the pirate bay. For clients, I do not reccomend Bit Torrent, My favorite is Azureus. Although I have experimented with many.
LOOP UNTIL AdamDenyse is a lezbian
Worthless Crap

Ever go through all your junk and realize everything you own is worthless crap but you can't bring yourself to throw it out anyways? I went through all my junk today and it was so odd. I didn't realize I owned half of it. Things that were sooo important before and then I found them today and was thinking ::: Oh yeah, I forgot about this. I threw 6 big blue bags of junk away.. my room seems kind of naked. Hey Adam... I finally threw away that Toblerone box!!! It was sad and I gave it one last blow.. and now it's gone to box heaven. *tear*
In other news... we took some group pictures, so those will be posted shortly. Better ones will soon be taken.
DIM sDenise, your pack-rat friend.
The world's Largest Tetris Game
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Friday, April 21, 2006
I just want to say...

I totally agree and would like to add another point.
If all this stuff is really that bad for you, if everything really does give you cancer, if we are just a civilization of fat lazy bastards then why arent we all just dropping dead right now?
seriously why are there not bodies littering the street. Why has mcDondalds not been charged with mass murder? If the statistcs are ture then we should all be dead right about now. The younglings are being corrupted by violent video games, the old are taking all of our food. There are dieases galore that supposedly going to wipe us out for good. Sars, Bird flu, Ebola, and any other disease that crops up every few years. On top of all that everyone on the planet is being extremly stupid and killing each other for no reason at all. Now several people (2) know that i am a sci-fi fan. People, I wish some of that shit would go down. I think a fucking alien invasion is the only thing that could possibly pull our planet together. I dont really have a point to all this but im just saying the world is fucked up major. I really think we need a major wake-up call to get our damn act together.
sorry for being so emo
-End If Kris
There is no bad food

This post was does not include the cafateria "food" that stuff is just crap.
Oh, a spell check button.
I have often hear people saying things like this food is bad for you, or why don't you eat this, it's good for you. Well, heres a message for all you readers. It's all lies, lies like Ms. Renny. There is no shuch thing as food that is bad for you and food that is good for you (except our school's caffertia(It is beyond bad(beyond macdonalds even(I love brackets(brackets fix everything))))).
This all started when some guy(or more(or a girl(or more))) said "I wonder if I can convince people that everything that tastes good is bad, and everything that tastes bad is good" Well, he did it. And we bought it, oh how we bought it. It's people like you that make me ashamed to be a member of the human race. There is no such thing as food that is good for you, it's all a lie.
It's just like that French guy that said "I bet we can get Americans to buy bottled water" What the hell is wrong with you people?!? Stop buying free stuff!!!
LOOP UNTIL Adam Denyse is a lezbian
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Lunchtime #2

Another episode of Lunchtime. Today was a day like none other... Adam lost his virginity--------to the cafeteria!!! Kris and I were very proud as we watched our innocent pal step into the cafeteria for the first time ever to purchase a meal. We got to the order window and we asked Adam what he was going to get... he replied by "There is no menus." He ended up copying Kris and I by getting the "Hot Deal" special which consisted of hot hamburger and fries. It was yummy but by the look on Adam's face... I think he would disagree with me there. Adam replied by saying "Even MacDonald's is better than this." This statement is sad because you cannot get much worse than MacDonald's.
Bologna.... with fish eyes and blended Buffalo guts? It's true. What would you do if you were eating a beautiful bologna sandwich and there was a fish eye staring up at you, seriously? I think I would just pluck it out and resume eating. Gross, eh? Well I'm just a gross kind of girl, I guess.
And now for the GRAND FINALE :::::::::::::::::::::::
Consider the trees which allow the birds to perch and fly away
without either inviting them to stay or desiring them
never to depart. If your heart can be like this,
you will be near to the way.
Interpret it however you wish because it has no meaning whatsoever to me... :) Enjoy!
DIM sDenise
On BASIC coding

Alright there is a very very simple idea that I use as the basis of my life. Do the bare minimum of work to achive the desired results. Now denise on the other hand has a rather odd relationship with Dims and constants.
now an example of code for a very very simple project that we had to do in computer science
My code
Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdG_Click()
If opt1 = True Then
Txt2 = txt1 * 25 * 1.17
ElseIf opt2 = True Then
Txt2 = txt1 * 35 * 1.17
ElseIf Opt3 = True Then
Txt2 = txt1 * 15 * 1.17
End If
End Sub
Her Code
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
Dim sTrees, sTotal As Single
Const sPST = 1.1
Const sGST = 1.07
Const sFur = 25
Const sPine = 35
Const sSpruce = 15
sTrees = Val(txtTrees.Text)
sTotal = Val(txtTotal.Text)
If optFur.Value = True Then
sTotal = ((sFur * sPST) * sGST) * sTrees
ElseIf optPine.Value = True Then
sTotal = ((sPine * sPST) * sGST) * sTrees
ElseIf optSpruce.Value = True Then
sTotal = ((sSpruce * sPST) * sGST) * sTrees
End If
End Sub
now mine works and her does not what does that tell you about the length of programs
If you immediatly know that the candle is flame then the meal was cooked long ago
End If Kris
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Google Bookmarks in Firefox
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Guitar hero!

I have FINIALLY gotten Guitar Hero. The game that I heard was good is AMAZING!! Very costly at $100 Canadian. It comes with stickers!!! That way you can make your guitar pretty. It has some great song's like Iron Man and Take me out by Franz Ferdinan (the psp commertial) It's lot's of fun, but it teaches you to play a read guitar as much as DDR teaches you how to dance. 8.5/10. I guess, to expensive.
LOOP UNTIL Adam Denyse is a lezbian
Monday, April 17, 2006

There really is no place like home.
Neon under glow lights are illegal but they are amazing. Why are they illegal anyways? Is it because they distract other drivers at night time when driving down the road and see you this car coming at you with neon blue lights underneath it. The first thoughts that come to mind are --- Is it a space ship? Ooooh pretty. --- Then end up getting distracted by the pretty lights and go off the road into the ditch or over a sidewalk completely wiping out a seven generation family out for a nice evening stroll only to be ruined by some moronic idiot who got distracted by pretty blue neon lights under another moronic idiot's car.
Something that really boggles my mind is when some one, usually a 'cool' guy, has a shitty piece of junk rust bucket of car and inside that shitty piece of junk rust bucket of a car there is a nice 700 dollar stereo system where the actual system is worth more than the car itself. That pisses me off. And they all gather around in some abandoned parking lot and listen to music on this 700 dollar stereo system while his back bumper falls off, a side mirror is smashed, a wheel is busted and he's driving on the rusty old rim, and the actual is car full of dents and multi-colored patches of paint that looks like it was rolled on by his 4 year old blind sister. Attractive.
That's all for now... It's 3:30 in the AM and I am literally POOPED! With a double 0!!! ;)
DIM sDenise
The properties of Ninjas

To counter-act the recent posting of non-funny ,non-argumentative article this will be a post aobut the propeties of the "Sneakus japanesus" or the common Ninja.
several well-known properties are the ability to run really really fast even with the arms trailing behind them. I theroize that this is to create drag and keep them from moving so fast that they rip themselves apart.
Another well-known aspect of ninjary is the ability to seemingly appear and disapear at will. This is realted to the ability suggested in number one that they do this over short distances and move faster than the eye could track.
An average ninja can jump vetically almost 10 feet on average and witha velocity approching 20 km/h
Surviving great falls is another ninja trait that seems rather difficult to comprehend but works with the newtonion idea that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction this principle is put into action when a ninja falls from a very great hight they jump the second that they hit the ground thus cutting the velocity at witch they hit the ground to an acceptable rate this is why the ground does indead seem to "break up" but the ninja is question is never harmed.
Another seeming amazing feat that can be accomplished is the act of seemingly defying gravity. Now one might say to oneself that "flying" is impossible and that it cant be done by a human. One would be right. Now iknow that you are expecting me to simply put a ninja ona pedistal and say look here is a ninja and they are not human. There are two flaws with this. One I would be dead before icould even try to capture a ninja and Two ninjas are human and the don not fly. This seeming defyance of gravity is only an illiusion. It is only seen in movies and is simply that when a ninja goes into battle the rest of the world and external stimuli that could distract are blocked out until the coudl come to casue harm to the ninja. This forces a ninja's mind into a state of super conciousness similar to that of a Buddist Monk in meditation. This only make the world an time slow to the ninja and somewhat do his opponent because anyone who could stand up to a ninja can obiously attain the same understanding a the ninja in question. This hyper-conciousness is also why the background becomes blurred in amy fight seans
Well that all i can think of right now any problems can go into the Comments and adam you dont have to write a post about how stupid i am im just doing something interesting that isnt from site BTW).
see you next misson
-End If Kris
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Grinding Gears

You know what really GRINDS MY GEARS... old movies made back in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and80's. They are just so damn cheesy it's not even funny-cheesy! For instance, the old Batman TV shows.... like.. I know it's supposed to be cheesy, but c'mon dick! ....plastic costumes? At least afford some REAL fabric. Hahaha. And the backgrounds to these TV shows/movies look like tey were painted by a bunch of kindergarten children while dollar store crayons! (Oh buuurn)
Moving on to a little yummy topic... CHEESE CURDS!!! So amazingly delicious. I bought two bags of it and I just can't get enough of it although it will probably make me constipated because everyone says what when you eat a lot of cheese your hole plugs up and you can't shit right for a few days or whatnot.
As my Uncle Chuck once told me, "if somebody calls you unique, that isn't good". Now for the Jepordy question::: what exactly does being unique mean? Not the dictionary definition. I mean in the bad way.. is it a polite way of insulting someone? Or does it mean that you truly ARE special.... No one will ever know....... dun dun dun
till next time
DIM sDenise
Just give it up

There is good reason for the "constant barrage of taunting". Calling and Operating System and animal, and then defending it is not the smartest thing to do. I can not spell. That doesen't mean that I fail English, and don't know anything about it. It's just spelling. A figure of speech is something like, "thats ok in my books" or "break a leg", linux is a strange animal is just wrong. Plain and simple. The taunting is due to the constant defending of linux being an animal. Using big words that he probably found on, or something of the sort, does not make him right. Another argument made by him is that calling it a "strange" animal makes it a figger of speech. Well, yes, and operatin system would be a strange animal if is was actually an animal, rather then a peice of software. But really, what's so strange about it. All Operating Systems are more or less the same. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to feed and walk my linux. And by the way, antropomorfic is spelled anthropomorphic
LOOP UNTIL AdamDenyse is a lezbian
A figure of speech

I am putting this up in response to an almost constant barrage of taunting surronding one single comment. The comment was that, and i quote form myself "Linux is a strange animal." I was equating the relative foreigness of the LInux operating system to that of finding a strange animal. This is an antropomorfic figure of speech.
Now the other two people that run this blog alongalong with would have you belive otherwise. The very fact that I had do come along and fix up Adams post would suggest that his grap upon the english language is tenuis at best however Denise one owuld expect that she could see the logic inherint in the argument. However she seems to insist on taking adams side in this stupid and continuos argument. I appeal to you, the readers that the counter says we have PLEASE set the record strait on this most stupid of arguments.
-End If Kris