Wednesday, April 11, 2007

>_>,<_< *sneaks in*

Hey all.

Or nobody

hee, echos.

Anyway, my extended absence has been due to unforseen personal happenings (I got a girlfriend(Yeah I know eh? Nobody saw that coming)). So yeah, life update. Ummm, I got accepted into three different REAL universities (UNB, UPEI, Mt. A). Umm, School is going alright I guess. Kinda miss Denise and Rebecca. Not really the same sans c0rner. Romantic life is a bit...odd right now. I have a girlfriend but SOME people won't take a hit (Kidding, it's cute(you know who you are)) errrrrrm. Lets see here. Started a kinda journal thingy. I should go see some movies so I can write a spoiler warning again. Anything good coming out? Put it in the comments if one is. Game life is the same as usual. I got some games, I beat them. Started playing DnD and I don't think I told anybody on here. The c0rner should get together someday and jsut like nerd out (I own Burnout Rebecca, I know how much you love that game) sometime. It would be fun. The ambient sexual tension would probably be gone though :(.

anyway, look for more posts in the future I have made another like, 1/2 month commitment.

Oh, if anyone has some ideas on what to get for a kid who really likes pi as a birthday gift you shoudl totally put it in the comments.
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