sticky sift

Well, usually the "gangs" OF KIDS CAN SORT OUT there fighting on there own. But last night. I was minding my own busness, with was sitting in my bunky with my door open listing to the little bastards yelling. (3 girls). cause my bunky is in the middle of them. yay. well, a bit of back ground information. breann, fat girl stays here all summer. 1 trailer left of my bunky. KELSY<> BUT WHAT was uncommon was that the parents got involved. HOWEVER< THIS WAS at samara's trailer, wich is next to breann's. Harder to hear, so i went outside to wash my bowl. yah, i did. i only use a bowl, spoon, knife, fork. that is all my dishes. the hose is next to breanns trailler. And holy fuck the threts were flying. Then my aunt came home after if finished waching out the bits of froot loops and montreal steak spice. she was like, omg, whats going on. to witch i replyed, i have no idea, then breann ran over to angla, my aunt, crying, so i went back to the bunky, and breann tryed to explain it, not very well. In the middle of this, bev, samaras grandmother, where samara stays, has bo. bo is anglas 3 legged yellow lab. And he is FREEKING OUT, no shift there. and jumping at his leash. While the 3 parents are having at each other. It was my job to go over and get him back. I don't think they even notised me. They were too busy calling down each other's kids. This was fucking halerous, then anglea had to delever her coffee, I diddn't see here for another hour or two. by this time, it had died down. The next day the 3 of them were with about 4 other girlls palying together. Unfortuanly me playing DDR attracted them, as well as breann's 2 brothers. I may have said something to each girl, they may not be freinds again for long. but even though there playing together, for now, the parents are still fuding. And probably will be for a week. I love it down here, it's so entertaining.