Good grief, i have become the thing i hate...

A music snob. Let me set this up for you. I took today off work and went to Charlottown (the capital of PEI and the largest city on the island) now I enjoy the outdoors quite a bit so i did not go shopping at all today. Instead i went to the park, there was a bunch of guys playing Jazz in a gazebo. So i stop to listen. This is the really important part so i need you to see it good in your head. 11:00 in the morning, there i am standing there on the grass listening to a rather pleasing mix of Jazz and Blues, open shirt with a white T-shirt under it. Cargo pants that were obviously bought at the Salvation Army or something (Frenchys) a cup of Tim's in one hand and a large book (my new hardcover leather bound copy of Lord of The Rings(im sorry i guess i did go shopping a little(come on it was LoTR(my old copys are literally falling apart)))) tucked under the other. My baseball cap shoved on over my messy hair which is curling out under the rim of the hat. Now i love lots of kinds of music, in fact most genres appeal to me (except Rap damn that Crap) but i have never ever done this.
I was sitting there (i sat down) at a park bench with a couple of obvious "hep cats" and one of them said "Now son you gotta listen close to this music, tell me whats wrong with it.
Without blinking i said, "Well the sax is out of tune and the piano is off-beat"
yes i actually could hear that the Sax was horribly out of tune
it wont wash off!
-End If Kris
really not so strange... but i guess for you it is. ahhh
good job knowing that the sax was out of tune. i tell ya... you's cool!
also good grief sounds like charlie brown. haha
shame, same on you. except the brakets.
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