The gang wars have begun.

It's that time of the year again. All the kids are here. And they have broken up into there groups, and of course, kids fight. And then the kids tell there fellow "gang" members how bad that person is, and that person does the same with there "gang". Then every one picks sides and goes at it. I've taken my roll, as i did last year, of looking like i'm trying to make every one get along, while i'm actually fuling the wars. Why you may ask. If you did, ur dumb. It's fucking halerious to watch this. These little friggers can get violent. People leaving cring. God love campgrounds. Even though this is mostly the kids that live there. The ones visiting ususally join it too, though. And were talking 8-13 year old kids here.
In other news, i think i broke my pinky toe on my left foot. I was running to jump into the pool, sliped, flew, and my toe hit the edge of the toe, and snapped inwards. It wasn't bad then. The shere fun of the flying into the pool ass first was taking away the pain. That, and if the life guard saw me in pain, then she wouldn't let people jump in. Although another life gaurd came after anyways, and said we couldn't. That part of the pool was 12 feet deep. We limped back to shininy waters, the new fun park, and went to sandspit that night(for fun(horrasing the workers)). And my toe kept getting sorer. That night, took off my sock, and it's all swolen, and I can't really move it, altough, you can move something after you've broken it. that was yesterday, now it's 4:45...sweet, that's all it is, i though it would be like 5:30 or something. anyways, just got back from sandspit, working , I had taped my toe's together, the hurting one, and the one next to it, cause my aunt said it would help, and it did, but it still hurts like a bastard. If bastards hurt a lot.
aw poor bunny.... and awwww poor toe.
my day/night was amazingly awesome :)
i must admit... gangs of little kids trying to kill eachother is funny. adam assisting them.... adds to the funniness.
i think for once i agree with rebecca on this.... hahaha
i am making my own gang, it has no name but we all wear armour and carry humongeous swords, wait i will call it the Giant sword group. Our main ideal is the complete eradication of every other gang.
with swords.
Sounds like one of thouse DnD paryts. You know, i couldn't talk to you any more if you did that.
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