Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Jeez stay out till one with your friends ONCE...

and suddenly you have cerfews and shit. Man this sucks, Just because i was gone till 1 without telling anybody i get owned by the parental police. Shit i was at the ONE place other than my home and she DOESN'T try calling there. Hell i told my mom were exactly i was and she blames me for not making it clear. Like the phrase "Im at Matt's" isnt clear enough. you know what her excuse is? That she was busy holding the dog. The dog is not a full 5 senses experience. you do not need your ears to hold a dog. And come on it isnt like i was sniffin crack and pimpin out hoes down at the local corner store. I was in a basement, I WAS PLAYING FUCKING DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD(well not actually playing it i was maming a character i know nerd+100)!! How much farther out of danger can you get?After that we played Xbox 360, (Oblivion is fucking amazing BTW) and found out that Perfect Dark Zero isnt so bad a game. We did almost nothing. we sat around and talked about how different Westile is then when those guys went there. You knoww things like Emac and Miss LeClair, the G-units and how those two people broke the sink fucking in the bathroom. Anyway this al really sucks right now and i dotn think its gunna be better in the morning.

-End If Kris


Blogger Blog-na said...

It must suck having rules, i know I hate it....oh, wait...no i don't, cause i HAVE NONE. kris, just move out, mabey live at matt's for a while, where ever, That's my advice, you don't like it? get the hell out.


July 04, 2006 1:26 p.m.  

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