Damn insomnia

Let me say this, Insomnia Sucks. It is 1:30 it's thunderin out im on my laptop bored yet unable to go to sleep. Have i told anyone about the Crappy lappy??
Well if i haven't posted it befoer ill post it now
Cappy Lappy: A Tale
The lappy started life as a top end machine that cost well over one thousand dollars. That was back in like 1995...BC. No for serious its a piece of junk Toshiba Satillite from waaaayyy back. I got it off eBay for 50 bucks + shipping. All i wanted was a laptop that could do two things, Web and Word. Well it does these things but i found it lacking at first. I have grwon to respect the crappy lappy now. It's soel use is for these late night times in bed so that i can do something constructive like make a blog post. The poor machine is the butt of many joke but i love her nonetheless.
The crappy lappy, she does what i need, nothing more
-End IF Kris
Dude, that's fucking discusting, I can't believe I touched that thing.
what were you even doing touching Lappy anyways?
you like lappy's heat box!!!!
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