cold and soggy

I just got back from fishing. Had to get up at 3:30am, That sucked ass, I had to do Manual Labor WTF, I don't do well with actual work. I plan to work at google, thats typing, no lifting of traps there, I am currently employed at sandspit amusement park, yelling at kids, doesen't require much strentgh, but i made some money, so it's all good. even though everything sucks but the money. All I ate most of the day was tic tacs, then i got that all you ate was tic tacs taste in my mouth, so i switched to smarties.
If anyone cares, my report card is as follows: chem86 cmp84 eng71 mat75 that is an average of 79, with an average of 80, My parents would have bought me a $800.oo laptop, which i would have convinced to get a $1000.oo laptop over time. Now i get shit all. Fucking sucks. My scedual for next year has 4 errors, concerding I only have 8 courses in the course of a year, they fucked up pretty bad.
just mixing it up
LOOP UNTIL AdamDenyse is a lezbian
denyse is not a lesbian, thank you very much.
adam is a fruitie tutie :P
your not a lesbian, your a lezbian.
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