rain is loud

That was one hell of a thunder storm last night, Right over the campground. There was one clap of thunder that actually knocked my bottle of shampoo off the shelf. I would have been outside, but it would randomley downpour for like 30 sec. at a time ever min. or 2. up till past 2. I just got up at 1, and have to leave soon for work.
My aunt has a dog. his name is bo. He has three legs. And everyone in the B loop knows and loves him. Anyways, my aunt, Angla left at 8am for work, and won't be back till 11pm. So, she called me and asked me to keep an eye on him for a while. I brought him out for my bunky for a while and then brought him back. Well, appearently, when he was in the bunky, some people came over to feed him, he wasn't there, no one comes to ask me, cause i don't really leave the bunky much. I had been watching andromata, waiting for it to end to come to the C@P site. just try and e-mail it. The show ended, i hoped on my bike and started for the bordwalk for my daily dose of world news and web comics. There were people EVERYWHERE calling for bo, 2 golf carts on the move, a few trucks, and kids everywhere on bikes. fuck. a swarm of children came up and was yelling "BO's MISSING, BO's MISSING!!!" I was like, uhhh, he's in the trailer, Which got a "no he's not" for a responce. "yes he is" "NO HE ISN'T!!" "wtf, YES he IS, i JUST CHECKED!" then mumbled something like fucking kids or something. I biked back, opend the door, and a yellow lab with 3 legs hoped out to see me. well, they were none too impressed. At least 20 people were out looking for him all over the campgournd and the bordwalk, none had bother to ask me where he was. There were some not very nice things to said to me, They were only kids, so i called them idiots for not bothering to check if i had him, and came down here. Fun times. Theres 4 people here waiting for the computers, so I should probably go, however, this computer's screensaver/C@Psite from thing won't allow people access to the comptuers, so if they don't know how to turn it off, (ctrl + alt + del end process of screensaver) they can't use it, so i always have my computer. fricken yay. bye.
dog theif :D haha i love it.
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