ow, wtf

I was bitting by a spider today, a very small spider, wtf. This comptuer has 32 megs of ram. holly, fuck. And there are 3 kids around me playing club penguin. I hate them so much. that's a game like haboo hotel. haboo hotel, wtf are you doing advertising on televison. televison, why aren't you making more frutopia commertials. frutopia, ur commertials are the best. yah, i'll get stuck in a loop if i don't stop now. I've heard voices in my head, It turns out that there the lyrics to a song i've never heard. or at least part of it. "can you see what i see, do you here what i hear" the song went on to say otherstuff, the voices in my head more or less told me to kill people. Anyways, i doubt i will. although, i don't concider small children people. Those bastards. I'll kill them all........hmmmmm, i'm not protected behind an onion router here...... This is all a joke... yah, that's it. Those bastards must die.
that post was pretty much what you emailed me AND what you just told me on msn.... you'r lame
ok, so if you know something, then no one else is important, and they don't deserve to know random crap that they don't care about? I think not.
what are you talking about?
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