well i am employed now...

Yep im a "Landscaper", that basically translates into "Forced Labourer. Except i chose to do it, for $8.50 and hour. So yeah, thats about it on the finacial front...Oh right, i got my learners Permit to drive (finally) i got 3 questions wrong on the test, everyh one of them the answer was (b) and i chose either (a) or (c). So, if this is all that has happened why havent i been updating the blog or doning something constructive.
The answer to that? I was playing the crap out of Morrowind (come down and fight me here Dagoth you pansy) i have gotten to level 40 and i have an impressive array of mods, for downloading on my feeble connection, anyway thats basically what ive been doing, LAN party on saturday gunna play some halo bitchez.
keepin 'er real
-End If Kris
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