Welcome back Scott and Ted

Well, OMG, yep YAY, that's right, HELL MOTHER FUCKING YAH, it's finially here, SWEETNESS, are you ready, I, Adam, have gotten..............brace yourselves, MORE BAGS, there from the store that sells food, where you go when you go food shopping. You know the word. so do i, but it's the whole spelling thingy. Oh how spell check must hate me so. oh, and I got a toshiba satellite...................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! finially THANK GOD. This thing is like heven. it would be, but this thing actually exists. fuck ya. I'm sitting in the woods behind mojo's pizza, where the C@P site is, and the dumb fucks won't let me use there wifi. it's not even secure. I got kicked out the other day, So now i just hang out behind the place. Any ways, my satellite. 4096Mb of RAM, 1.47ghz celeron m processor, i know, not that great. 480Gb harddrive 128MB ati graphics. ethernet, 56k modem 802.11 b/g connections. I wish it had 802.11 n though. That would rok. rok n rol. fucking love that ride. anyways, i got y satllite 3 days ago. future shop. I love it so much. Nice screen resolution too. It's a great machine, Toshiba really made this well, did most everything right. very little for that damn bundled software, only aol/netscape and norten. my HP desktop had about 22 icons of crap i diddn't need. this has 2. so i kept them, but put them away. It is currently 2:16, i work at 4, have to be there at 3:45, so i have to be ready to go at 3:30. it's only a 5 min. bike to work, but i usually have to go back about 3 times to get stuff i forget. usually it's only 1 thing, but i leave something else behind after i go back to get the first thing. I fell flat on my face the other day at work. I fell off the paratrooper, when the ride was near full. Fun times. I don't know why mojo's doesen't use encreption. they used to. And there the only hot spot around. unless i want to take a 20min. bike ride to get to another. that's 20 min. at approx. 30-40km/h. it's almost all downhill, and I have an excepinoly fast bike. however, coming back takes forever. I've done it once. On the way there thinking, this rocks, i should do this everyday, and OMG i'm going to DIE. passing cars in a 50 zone. that's kilometers, not miles. on the way back. it was more along the lines of fuck this, i'm never doing this again, and, pant* pant* pant*. Anyways, back to me satellite. some features include a dvd burner. a switch on the front to turn wireless internet on or off. great for battery power. It auto-connects any wireless places that i've already connected to, and tells me if there are any near by. The touch pad has what i call "hot corners" after mac's. if i hold my fingers on any of the corners of the pad, i can access difernet stuff, like my computer, and such. xp home, vista capable. the fucking ant's are attacking me.
In other news. Sunset, the campground that i stay at, most people live there the whole summer. there are 6 loops, 2 main ones for trailers. B and E. It's kind of like a war between them. I'm in B F is for trailers too, but it's a pice of crap, and usually is half empty. Anyways, We had a mini civil war going on for a while. I hate everyone there, except a few new neighbours we had. however, everyone else hated them. well, not everyone, about half the people. The other half liked them. My aunt hated them, And bascally started a fight, and half the B loop joined in. It's a everybody knows everybody kind of thing. They moved yesterday. Still in the B loop, but a different part. it's kind of like.. i'll draw a picture. This is what i can do with a touch pad. And it's no where to scale, i drew in about 1/10 of the actuall lots. the red dots. yay rhymes.

shit, I think this is in the running for longest post. and best pic.
am i the only one who really doesn't care?
omgggg.... you always say something about you not caring ....if you dont care, dont commmmmment... write something meaningful~
it usually starts off meaningful and then just ends up... "grr.. i don't care"
i'll try harder next time :(
sweet, you have a hotpad? that fuckign rocks. Have you takin it apart yet? because i would have.
maybe that why i dont have nice things...
-End If Kris
ps: i had totally frogoten about CAD
I think you're finially learning kris. You take appart crappy things, not nice new things. things with hot pads. hot pads with hot corners. anyways, i've got food under the keyboard so i may have to take it appart to get it out, unless if falls out on it's own, otherwise the keys don't work.
Rebecca, go to hell.
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