I sold my regular DS to Kitchener and bought a Lite. BEST THING EVER! It is so sleeks and sexy and shiny and BLACK.
I am thinking maybe taking it back for a white DS because the black on shows the fingerprints really bad. Maybe I will just carry a clath with me to wipe it off after playing, i dont know. The Screen(I just lost the game) is AMAZING. I was playing super mario and everythign stood out more. Luigi was GREEN. Mario was RED. I could distguish between them and I have trouble with red/green.
The only real problem that I have with it is where the start and select buttons and also where the stylus is kept. The GBA slot thing doesn't really bother me because i hardly ever play GBA on it anymore. So, my DS is better than yours and it comes with extended warranty.
:P adam.