Saturday, June 17, 2006

King of the burgers!

Driving in town today. That was nice.

"I have cheese slices at home bigger than this!" - Sally talking about the meat in her Whopper! hahaha

Nice conversation about Macdonalds employees pants! Tight at the bottom... baggy in the arse area... funny if there's a skinny person wearing them...hilarious if there's a fat person wearing them. There like a balloon. It's true. Ever notice that.........

DIM sDenise

I hate the dentist

I have braces, that means that i go to the dentists alot. I dont like them at all (does anyone) and that really doent help things.

I am convinced that my Orthodontist goes down to the local community college and find the people failing carpentry. I mean really they are just liek O_O OMG LETS DRILL!!!

Speaking of that damn little drill i hate the sound it makes as it is boring its way into my head like an alien mind probe sent to retreve Earths darkest secrets. Now i have thse elastice bands attached to my teeth that hurt like crazy and are apparently supposed to re-align my mouth. I like my mouth how it is,now i have to re-learn how to eat.

Stupid bastards

this really hurts

-End If Kris

Hmmmmm, NeHar


Well, happy summer everyone, I thought we would start moving to cavindish today, but were not. This is my last day here, I'm leaving for cavindish tomorrow. We've been fighting over who gets the computer.(my parents arn't moving, i'm going for the summer, working at sandspit) My father says he's going to learn how to use it, last time I left and he said that, my $100 fricken amazing mouse was destroyed. I miss it so much. It was a gyration. *whimper* My mother says she might use it, but she hasn't for over a year, and i've mastered this beaste. This 4 year old, pretty crappy beast. no offence computer. It's been a boring day, our wild cat that lives in the woods isn't here today, I biked to Albertong 'cause I was bored, got a coke. My mothers creepy friend is here. I might call sandspit today to see if I can manage to work for the westile safe grad, see Denyse one last time. If not, i'll just sit on the hill overlooking the sandspit, mabey sneek in, mabey walk it, whatever, mabye just not wake up. It is at 5 A.M. oh well, mother wants me to make my bed, what a pointless task that is. It's mostely done. I think i'll go down and rock out to some guitar hero, later, I might post again, mabey not, we'll see. Theres a C@P site near where i'm staying.


Friday, June 16, 2006

Damn it...

Stupid DDR had to be half-fun...*grumble*

No seriosuly though i really really sucked ass, the back arrow was all screwy but even with that I was not very good. I plan to get better though, I was reading in on Wikipedia and saw that there is a definit gap between Techie Players (adam) and Freestylers, I am more on side with the freestylers. They are the people that actualy dance instead of going all crazy with their feet(I was all like O_O when adam went all crazy)

In other news Today was the last day that Denyse and Rebecca(The_other_one) are high school students. That is happy because they get out of school (and now they have to pay for their education :P) and sad because now me and Adam are alone in school.

Do not fear however the blog shall continue as it is, they just wont have all the same storys.

-End If Kris


Well, I've played DDR for a long time, i'm not in the closet about it, and i've taken a lot of shit for it. It diddn't stop me, I danced on. Most the the ridicule I recieved was from kris, you may know him as END IF kris. Well, today was the last day of exams, and rather then playing the usualy halo 2, I brought in DDR, Denyse wanted to try it. Kris diddn't. I brought it. Instant crowd. The whole school was around us, almost, but it was exams, so it was like 25 people. Started off slow on sync, light, really easy stuff, Denyse got scared and stoped, why, cause I'm good, and she got embarested. A few other people tryed, and then POW, I changed my difficulty to challange, and started butterfly. An easy B at least, This got many people interested, including kris, he tryed it, diddn't do that good, but he had a suckey mad catz mat, I have the normal DDR extreame mat with the foam bottom. but then again, i need it, they don't. No one else tryed, but you can't blame them, it's me on heavy/challange vs them on beginner/light kris tried it a few more times, and now, ALL the ridicule that I have recieved is over, except that it's like an organized seziur, but even I aggre with that, And now kris is thinkging about getting it. Concider him conveted. I have to stop now because i left for pizza, and compleatley forget what I Was talking about.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

B with and itch

i was a complete bitch today. and for that i apologize. this post because you will msot likely never hear me say sorry again. i'm not into the whole apologizing thing but today i could actually feel myself being mean...and beating up on adam. Opps. My bad. and today wasn't as fun as yesterday.. but oh well. shit happens. get used to it.

DIM sDenise

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

HALO 2!!!

Today effing rocked. We played Xbox and we played Halo 2!!! There was three X boxes and the fantastic four were on a team....for about 6 minutes. The "the other one" quit and we were joined by Scott (I think that's his name) Nonetheless, I had a WICKED awesome time!!! My highest was 6 kills... hahaha but you know what? I don't care. :) And I played better attacking everyone than playing with teams. So yeah... hope I can play tomorrow again. I will be better..and eventually be better than Adam. And Adam sucks. So yeah.... woooo!

Can you guess what my screen name was!?!!? ANYONE!?!? That's right.. d00nut. Because I am Double 0 Donut. hehehehe.... and my armor was lightish red, not pink.

There were also some cookies.... and some weird energy drink.....

DIM sDenise


Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Dont want to talk about it...

01001000 01101001

Well, math was brutual, the bell rang to leave, not a sole moved. Kris became religious, got smited him with unknowleage for it. I resulted to doing ascii(standered text, like this) to binary conversion to give my brain a rest. Played Halo, Denyse left early cause she was scared of her mommy getting mad at her. Anyways, yah. Can't wait for Computers exam. Gunna be So easy cause i'm: 01001001 00100000 01000001 01101101 00100000 01010011 01101101 01100001 01110010 01110101 01100101 01110010 00100000 01010101 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01001101 01111001 00100000 01010101 01100101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110010!


1 down... 3 to go!

I'm sorry but I don't have very many pictures of me without flash. I like the flash. Ghostly. Looks cool..

Well..... one exam down and only three more to go! Then I am completely DONE of high school... moving on to College in September. I can't wait. High school really sucks.

I wish I would have stayed for the afternoon today. I wanted to play Halo 2. But.... maybe tomorrow. Yes, because tomorrow will be better :)

DIM sDenise

Monday, June 12, 2006

Welcome to the NSR.

Having some problems uploading an img again. Suck it unnecessary vouls. We've got nothing to do, I can code, Kris can make pictures, Denyse is mean, What do we do? Start our own company. Why not. We called it the NSR. Why? Because my first open source project, my random name generator was getting a logo, I ment to make a big RNG, somehow, the N came first, the R got pushed to the end, and the G became an S. God know's why. what does it stand for now? Go to the site and tell us. What do we do, developeo open source software. How, my lack of life, and kris's lack of life. When I get bored, I code. When I code something, Kris makes a picture for it. So why not create an actualy company. So we did. We've got some cool stuff up there. Like the best T3 game ever. Coded using visual basic. Like everything so far, except tara. Tara is coded using C, which I am learning. Now you are asking(you are denyse) what does denyse have to do with this?. Well, profesionaly lakey, or as I prefer, Head minion. head of who? no one. As well as except threting letters, and sending meaner one's back, and leaving early to play drunken darts. Well not really, but you get the picture. Well, not really. Anyways, were there, buy our stuff. our stuff is free, have fun.



Wow!!!! 8 Coffee Crisps... I feel sick... so very effing sick. Ugh whatever..... I'll probably do it again tomorrow.. just because. And I also had a school cookie because those cookies are the best cookies in the whole world...except, of course, for the ones i make!

I rule so much. I'm just the coolest effing person in the world. So Bite ME!!!!

DIM sDenise

the voices in my head are screaming "ARE WE HAVING FUN YET..!?!?!"

this is kind of scary... because i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing that's is enducing this "fun". whatever. that is all.

i'm going to bed.

DIM sDenise

p.s. tomorrow is officially the last day of classes!!!!!!!!! Woooooo-eeeeeeee
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