Well, I've played DDR for a long time, i'm not in the closet about it, and i've taken a lot of shit for it. It diddn't stop me, I danced on. Most the the ridicule I recieved was from kris, you may know him as END IF kris. Well, today was the last day of exams, and rather then playing the usualy halo 2, I brought in DDR, Denyse wanted to try it. Kris diddn't. I brought it. Instant crowd. The whole school was around us, almost, but it was exams, so it was like 25 people. Started off slow on sync, light, really easy stuff, Denyse got scared and stoped, why, cause I'm good, and she got embarested. A few other people tryed, and then POW, I changed my difficulty to challange, and started butterfly. An easy B at least, This got many people interested, including kris, he tryed it, diddn't do that good, but he had a suckey mad catz mat, I have the normal DDR extreame mat with the foam bottom. but then again, i need it, they don't. No one else tryed, but you can't blame them, it's me on heavy/challange vs them on beginner/light kris tried it a few more times, and now, ALL the ridicule that I have recieved is over, except that it's like an organized seziur, but even I aggre with that, And now kris is thinkging about getting it. Concider him conveted. I have to stop now because i left for pizza, and compleatley forget what I Was talking about.