I hate the dentist

I have braces, that means that i go to the dentists alot. I dont like them at all (does anyone) and that really doent help things.
I am convinced that my Orthodontist goes down to the local community college and find the people failing carpentry. I mean really they are just liek O_O OMG LETS DRILL!!!
Speaking of that damn little drill i hate the sound it makes as it is boring its way into my head like an alien mind probe sent to retreve Earths darkest secrets. Now i have thse elastice bands attached to my teeth that hurt like crazy and are apparently supposed to re-align my mouth. I like my mouth how it is,now i have to re-learn how to eat.
Stupid bastards
this really hurts
-End If Kris
UR not alone, Ms. Rennie has braces, Gerrrr, fucking tare her lips to shred with them, and gaouge her eyes. gouge. Kill the beast, burn her, burn her. Yah, I never really had a point.
haha... i remember those elastics. only takes like a week to get back to normal. yeah.... those days sucked....
imagine......... i wanted braces a long time ago like grade 6 cos i thought they looked cool.. haha..
DIM sDenise
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