HALO 2!!!

Today effing rocked. We played Xbox and we played Halo 2!!! There was three X boxes and the fantastic four were on a team....for about 6 minutes. The "the other one" quit and we were joined by Scott (I think that's his name) Nonetheless, I had a WICKED awesome time!!! My highest was 6 kills... hahaha but you know what? I don't care. :) And I played better attacking everyone than playing with teams. So yeah... hope I can play tomorrow again. I will be better..and eventually be better than Adam. And Adam sucks. So yeah.... woooo!
Can you guess what my screen name was!?!!? ANYONE!?!? That's right.. d00nut. Because I am Double 0 Donut. hehehehe.... and my armor was lightish red, not pink.
There were also some cookies.... and some weird energy drink.....
DIM sDenise
I suck? I suck!? who was the one who couldn't find a puma they were standing in front of? who kept getting it the pasenger side trying to drive? Who whined for the first half of the game. So what, there not all about you, but yah, ur pretty good
hey.... i didn't know passenger side/driver side MATTERS IN GAMES. it usually doesn't. and i was not whining. kris was whining because we were losing. i just kept saying i would leave but he never challanged me to it so i stayed. and i'm glad i stayed cos it turned out to be fun. and it was my FIRST time playing... give me a break. the controls are different from my precious ps2
DIM sDenise
well in comparison to me denise was freakishly awesome. but so would an somebody having a seizure.... because i suck.
I know you diddn't whine, and he diddn't challange you to leave because you were sucking so bad at the time, It would have helped us. No one told you to stay did they, and I know that it was ur first time playing. I am glad you were on our team. We did the worst, BUT we had the most fun, AND COOKIES. I am a nintendo fan, and i'm OK with loosing if it's more fun. Nintendo: Too Much Fun. And i'm tempted to bring DDR tomorrow. I'm also temtped to sneek into sandspit when ur there from one of the many secret entrneces. I know of 2. Anyways, I kinda went off topic.
ack! lol i'm awesome :)
DIM sDenise
so i figured out what adam's binary said on the previous post....
I Am Smaruer Uhen My Ueacher
whatever the fuck he means by that...
DIM sDenise
you mitranlated the t's
I am Smarter than my Teacher
Use an actual conversion chart instead of an internet program n00b
No, he's just can't spell.
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