Damn it...

Stupid DDR had to be half-fun...*grumble*
No seriosuly though i really really sucked ass, the back arrow was all screwy but even with that I was not very good. I plan to get better though, I was reading in on Wikipedia and saw that there is a definit gap between Techie Players (adam) and Freestylers, I am more on side with the freestylers. They are the people that actualy dance instead of going all crazy with their feet(I was all like O_O when adam went all crazy)
In other news Today was the last day that Denyse and Rebecca(The_other_one) are high school students. That is happy because they get out of school (and now they have to pay for their education :P) and sad because now me and Adam are alone in school.
Do not fear however the blog shall continue as it is, they just wont have all the same storys.
-End If Kris
Fuck freestyles, DDR's not for people who can dance, And I can sort of frestyle, I just don't cause frestylers use really easy songs, and I love the o_0 looks. We should create a spin off blog, c0rner, the collage days, or something. or not, whatever.
i vote.. NOT.
DIM sDenise
and i'm reallllly gonna miss yas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damnnnn but kris said he would come see me next year. yay for me! :)
DIM sDenise
i miss the c0rner already. *sniff* i'm going to miss you people... except maybe adam.... and denyse is across the road.... so maybe not... but i will try...
Rebecca....I just wanted to know....I always hated you......I always hated you the most.......(insert line)......HERRGG....BLAHHHHH.
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