Saturday, August 04, 2007



Be nice to mean people Denise.

So, long time no blog. It has been mostly because of work. Work takes a lot of time also being poor is fun. You are always in danger.

Adam found a video of people at sandspit

sandspit video (with awesome song)

Well, that is all for now. Byez

PS. The song is love today by Mika

Sunday, July 29, 2007

something new!

I take it from Rebecca's last comment, she wants a new post. Well... nothing really interesting has happened for me to post about. Except this sweet heat wave we've had, but now it's pretty well over. *cry*

I found a new roomie. I can't remember if I had mentioned it in another post or not.. haha! Turns out I'm not moving in with Lynn afterall, and I'm moving in with a guy named Cory (i know i know....the name..... ahhhhh.. it's not that cory though) anyways, and he lives in the building I'm in now. So that makes me happy cos i love it here and i don't want to leave it.

Aerosmith was AMAZINGGGG. Might go to Tragically Hip this September....still unsure though.

I have to have my Coffee put to sleep cause there is something wrong with him, they think it may be Cancer...and he's in constant pain and suffering and it makes me sad to see him like that so we're putting him down :(

I got a jobbbb at Resolve in Ch'townnn! 9.50/hour so i'm pretty pumped for that. I should be bringing home (after taxes and everything is deducted) about 300 a week!!!! :) That makes me happy. And I had 3 weeks of PAID training so that's about 900 in my pocket just for the training. Yay. Whether I will like it or not, that's a different story. I hope I do. I start on Wednesday. Woooo!

And I think that's about it. I might head to the humane society tomorrow or something and look for a little kitty or something... Not sure yet cos Cory (guy i'm moving in with) already has a cat, so I don't want to cause conflict there....

much loves. DENYSE
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