Friday, July 07, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Well I guess we know who is the better company now... - Coke requests court secrecy - Jul 6, 2006
Subject: Its ok we understand
We found a dude who is stealing your stuff and trying to pawn it off on us. We want nothing to do with your inferior product so we are ratting him out. We just want you to know that we could have had a sample of you [no doubt inferior] new Coke on our desks at minimal work to ourselves.
Anyway you can take care of it i hope
Subject: Re: Its ok we understand
Stuff it
We need this under wraps
Pepsi > Coke.
-End If Kris
Subject: Its ok we understand
We found a dude who is stealing your stuff and trying to pawn it off on us. We want nothing to do with your inferior product so we are ratting him out. We just want you to know that we could have had a sample of you [no doubt inferior] new Coke on our desks at minimal work to ourselves.
Anyway you can take care of it i hope
Subject: Re: Its ok we understand
Stuff it
We need this under wraps
Pepsi > Coke.
-End If Kris
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
ow, wtf

I was bitting by a spider today, a very small spider, wtf. This comptuer has 32 megs of ram. holly, fuck. And there are 3 kids around me playing club penguin. I hate them so much. that's a game like haboo hotel. haboo hotel, wtf are you doing advertising on televison. televison, why aren't you making more frutopia commertials. frutopia, ur commertials are the best. yah, i'll get stuck in a loop if i don't stop now. I've heard voices in my head, It turns out that there the lyrics to a song i've never heard. or at least part of it. "can you see what i see, do you here what i hear" the song went on to say otherstuff, the voices in my head more or less told me to kill people. Anyways, i doubt i will. although, i don't concider small children people. Those bastards. I'll kill them all........hmmmmm, i'm not protected behind an onion router here...... This is all a joke... yah, that's it. Those bastards must die.
Jeez stay out till one with your friends ONCE...
and suddenly you have cerfews and shit. Man this sucks, Just because i was gone till 1 without telling anybody i get owned by the parental police. Shit i was at the ONE place other than my home and she DOESN'T try calling there. Hell i told my mom were exactly i was and she blames me for not making it clear. Like the phrase "Im at Matt's" isnt clear enough. you know what her excuse is? That she was busy holding the dog. The dog is not a full 5 senses experience. you do not need your ears to hold a dog. And come on it isnt like i was sniffin crack and pimpin out hoes down at the local corner store. I was in a basement, I WAS PLAYING FUCKING DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD(well not actually playing it i was maming a character i know nerd+100)!! How much farther out of danger can you get?After that we played Xbox 360, (Oblivion is fucking amazing BTW) and found out that Perfect Dark Zero isnt so bad a game. We did almost nothing. we sat around and talked about how different Westile is then when those guys went there. You knoww things like Emac and Miss LeClair, the G-units and how those two people broke the sink fucking in the bathroom. Anyway this al really sucks right now and i dotn think its gunna be better in the morning.
-End If Kris
-End If Kris
Monday, July 03, 2006
rocket launchers!

i had the most awesome dream last night. i dreamt i owned a rocket launcher and a middle aged man robbed the bank. the super important secret police squad called me and asked me to capture the guy. i shot him with my rocket launcher three times and threw marshmellows at what WASN'T left of his body.... good times....
DIM sDenise
rain is loud

That was one hell of a thunder storm last night, Right over the campground. There was one clap of thunder that actually knocked my bottle of shampoo off the shelf. I would have been outside, but it would randomley downpour for like 30 sec. at a time ever min. or 2. up till past 2. I just got up at 1, and have to leave soon for work.
My aunt has a dog. his name is bo. He has three legs. And everyone in the B loop knows and loves him. Anyways, my aunt, Angla left at 8am for work, and won't be back till 11pm. So, she called me and asked me to keep an eye on him for a while. I brought him out for my bunky for a while and then brought him back. Well, appearently, when he was in the bunky, some people came over to feed him, he wasn't there, no one comes to ask me, cause i don't really leave the bunky much. I had been watching andromata, waiting for it to end to come to the C@P site. just try and e-mail it. The show ended, i hoped on my bike and started for the bordwalk for my daily dose of world news and web comics. There were people EVERYWHERE calling for bo, 2 golf carts on the move, a few trucks, and kids everywhere on bikes. fuck. a swarm of children came up and was yelling "BO's MISSING, BO's MISSING!!!" I was like, uhhh, he's in the trailer, Which got a "no he's not" for a responce. "yes he is" "NO HE ISN'T!!" "wtf, YES he IS, i JUST CHECKED!" then mumbled something like fucking kids or something. I biked back, opend the door, and a yellow lab with 3 legs hoped out to see me. well, they were none too impressed. At least 20 people were out looking for him all over the campgournd and the bordwalk, none had bother to ask me where he was. There were some not very nice things to said to me, They were only kids, so i called them idiots for not bothering to check if i had him, and came down here. Fun times. Theres 4 people here waiting for the computers, so I should probably go, however, this computer's screensaver/C@Psite from thing won't allow people access to the comptuers, so if they don't know how to turn it off, (ctrl + alt + del end process of screensaver) they can't use it, so i always have my computer. fricken yay. bye.
Damn insomnia

Let me say this, Insomnia Sucks. It is 1:30 it's thunderin out im on my laptop bored yet unable to go to sleep. Have i told anyone about the Crappy lappy??
Well if i haven't posted it befoer ill post it now
Cappy Lappy: A Tale
The lappy started life as a top end machine that cost well over one thousand dollars. That was back in like 1995...BC. No for serious its a piece of junk Toshiba Satillite from waaaayyy back. I got it off eBay for 50 bucks + shipping. All i wanted was a laptop that could do two things, Web and Word. Well it does these things but i found it lacking at first. I have grwon to respect the crappy lappy now. It's soel use is for these late night times in bed so that i can do something constructive like make a blog post. The poor machine is the butt of many joke but i love her nonetheless.
The crappy lappy, she does what i need, nothing more
-End IF Kris
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Welcomecomma kiddiesperoid

I've got an ideaperoid The idea iscomma take 4 purple truckscomma chain them together is sort of an Xcomma 1 truck at ever endperoid put them on a hill like ^comma but all aroundcomma like a mountin topperoid Have them all floorhypenit and then knock out all the dirvers by hitting them in the neck with very large pebblesperoid and put kittens in the back of the truckperoid with spikes near the cabperoid when the turcks stopcomma whould cabbose get madequestionspacemark Suck it grammerexclamationspacemark This is what happes when i get boreddotspacedotspacedotspace enter enter LOOP UNTIL Adam
Apple need to copyright that little "i" infront of everything...
because im tired as hell from seeing it everywere. iRiver, iPrint,iFun,iAmtiredofit. That damn little i has invaded everything that anyone buys. I guess its just people trying to leech off of the iPod's popularity and make their product seem "cool" and "hip". Well iSay that they arent doing a very good job of it and i await the day of the iFuneral and the iBirth maybe celebrate with an iCake the cool off with an iCoke (oh wait thats already something). Now to realate with Denises post.
the iTime (a time machine obviously) would be a great boon to the progress of science. It would kill religion though...but that might stop the wars. Or we coudl go back with a machine gun and rule the Earth from away back then, If we took the entire population of the Earth back we could progress our knowledge of the universe so far it would be crazy. What I mean is, well if the Dark ages hadnt happened we could very well be living on Mars and having wars in outer space (seriously that would kick ass). Now what if we took our machines and knowledge back and made them NOT happen? Then we would have another thousand years to progress. Hey and if we ever ran out of resourses we could just go back to before we used them, over and over again. It woudl be an amazing time to be alive,or dead because the Space Marines killed you ancient Greek great great great x 123 Grandmother. That would suck.
-End If Kris
the iTime (a time machine obviously) would be a great boon to the progress of science. It would kill religion though...but that might stop the wars. Or we coudl go back with a machine gun and rule the Earth from away back then, If we took the entire population of the Earth back we could progress our knowledge of the universe so far it would be crazy. What I mean is, well if the Dark ages hadnt happened we could very well be living on Mars and having wars in outer space (seriously that would kick ass). Now what if we took our machines and knowledge back and made them NOT happen? Then we would have another thousand years to progress. Hey and if we ever ran out of resourses we could just go back to before we used them, over and over again. It woudl be an amazing time to be alive,or dead because the Space Marines killed you ancient Greek great great great x 123 Grandmother. That would suck.
-End If Kris
revive it!

i never realized how badly this blog is dying.... so it's time to revive it. i've been way too busy this summer to do pretty much anything... between work and all the nothingness that i do, there just isn't enough time! but i will make an oath to try and update more often, as for kris... i have no idea why he isn't blogging. and adam...well he writes a whole bunch at once..and it's like TOO MUCH. but that's because he's in cavendish--computerless. except for the CAP site..
quick update on denise's life:::::
last night was my aunt's party. we had our own fireworks and they were semi-amusing. nothing like the big ones in Alberton or Tignish.. but you know... they were still cool :) I took home 5 of them... but they are only the ground ones so i shouldn't be able to blow off my arm or some shit like that. There were strippers at this party. quite a wild time.... too bad i had no quarters on me :( oh well, next time definately... my uncle's dog is home with my uncle... so that means major humpage for my pooch, Taz.
Now the finale...... Time machines. Would they really be such a great invention? I mean, most people would probably do more harm than good with them...saying ohh i wish i had a time machine so i could go back and change what happened. but chances are everytime someone changed something, it would eventually change everyone... cos the effects would change one person, and it would be like dominos. So yeah.... I still wish I had a time machine though.. I think it would be rather awesome, but you know that's just me..
that girl everyone loves,
DIM sDenise