Saturday, June 10, 2006

goodbye? Never.

they tell me it's the end of the c0rner.... Never!!! i may not be physically there.. but i will still be there ;) --creeped out?-- anyways, just because the c0rner is "over" doesn't mean the blog is. we never actually blogged about c0rner anyways, so what's the big deal? ...and i promise if you effing replace me... there WILL be hell to pay. and it won't be so darn pretty. i PRoMISE

DIM sDenise

p.s. i know what you did...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Oh' C0rner......

...thou'ght were fair, Thy angular walls and wood
boarded doors were truly a sight to behold
and when there were many the c0rner was good
but when there were few it could not hold.

Now come to the end of an age,
two member now will move on
but the c0rner the c0rner will
oh yes yes it will live on.

a eulagy to the c0rner.

adam you and me are gunna have to find two grade 11 girls to even out the c0rner next year, then they can get two guys the next will becaome LEGENDARY!!!

-End If Kris

The end is near

Yes it is true that in a week, the corner will be disbanded for the summer, and it is sad, but half of the corner won't be coming back. One doesen't matter, but we will be losing Denyse. Our very own Dim sDenyse. She is going to be a professional secratary. She hopes to accomplich this by eating lunch on a roof with a tree. I say good luck to you. I will be moving to cavendish for the summer. Thank god, getting out of this shit hole. And working at sandspit, a small amusement park. Kris will be doing shit all. Bracket after bracket will finally be closing, If-Clauses will finally be ending, Repeat loops will be halting, and recursive functions will call themselves for the last few times. The end is appon us. In one very short week, the c0rners options shall collapse, possivilities whal fold into each other, and the whole of the corner, will, at last, be resolved out of existence. The end is uppon us.
Thank you Douglas Adams

Yah ever notice...

Well if current sci-fi shows have any resemblance to the future ate all it seems that our intergalactic starships will be powered by steam engines.In every show that is one from Star Trek to Stargate whenever something bad happens (eg. getting shot) there are two things that always happen, Steam and Smoke. I mean seriously I am sure that it is a great way to show some interior battle damage but i think that by the 24th century Star Trek) we might have found something to replace steam. On that note I would propose a question, WHY IN HELL are there steam pipes on the BRIDGE!? Modern day Aircraft carriers dont do that. IF an aircraft carrier got hit with a missile they would have the sense to tur OFF the steam (the kind that serves a purpose) so that the breaches wont effect the ship (until it sinks, it got hit with a missile after all) There would be no steam on the bridge. There would be a traind battle hardened crew calmly blowing the shit out of whatever dumb fuck took a potshot at a US Carrier Battle Group. There would be no runnig around madly while people throw themselves about, there probably wouldnt be any of those sparks that seem better indacators of damage anyway.


Stupid Space people

-End If Kris

ps. firstof all sorry to anyone who actually READS thei POS blog for blogger being stupid and talking 2 days tog et fixed

second everyone who posts on this blog has exams this week so updates might be few and far between for a week or so

ThirdI know that everyone is going to end up posting twice as much just to spite me.

fourth compu collge sucks :P

Thursday, June 08, 2006


yay for yearbooks and embarrassing pictures dammit.

ketchup + kraft dinner = denise's yummy supper ;)

finally went to the doctor. first thing he said was "take your shirt off" it was awesome. then I continued my journey through ch'town only to have 3 iced cappichino's with chocolate milk... damn it. I am sooo good.

it's unbelieveably hilarious how badly my mother hates townies. and just think... I'm going to be a townie next year. Oh no!!!!!

DIM sDenise

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Fucking terroists...

Hope the bastards rot in jail and have thier asses rapes by big black guys named thing like bubba and willy. I mean seriously everyone knew it was coming for almost three years we have been the only country on Osma Bin-Ladins list of countrys that havent had a major terror attack. We came |-| that close to a bigger disaster than 9/11 right here on canadian soil. From What has been gathered and released by the press these guys had pretty lofty goals. Among them were to:

1) Destroy the CN tower
2)Destroy the peace Tower on Parlement Hill
3) Capture the CBC main building and use it for Propaganda
4) BeHead the Prime Minister on Nation wide TV

They had Three metric tons (6600 pounds) of Ammonium Nitrate to use for bombs. To put this in perspective the ammount of ammonium nitrate used in the 1995 oklahima city bombings was around 2200 pounds.

Now i have some serious doubts that they actualy cold have pulled this off but still...

At least CSIS is doin thier job and got all SWAT on those guys.

-End If Kris

Monday, June 05, 2006

Big Mac

I don't know about you, but I sure love my Big Macs!!!!!! I recently just started eating them and I got one today, it fell apart all over my shirt and my jeans.. no odds. I just walked around town with Big Mac sauce stained into the crotch of my jeans. haha.. cos I'm cool like that. Nonetheless, it was yummylicious. And I will get another one next time I'm in town too.

Got my insurance for my car today. Now we can perform a little experiement we've been bickering about for some time. And, of course, I will win. Because I always win. That's me, the winner. Darn, I'm conceited.. I so sexy.

DIM sDenise

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Damn it...

I seen to have slipped into something of a rut with all of the "You knwo what sucks" clolums I have been writing. It is hard not to, alot of stuff sucks. ESPECiALLY when the season ends for a show that you are watching and it is right before something big happens...That really really really sucks. I would get a ll nerdy on everyone and start talking aobut how Stargate: Atlantis had its season ender tonight ( I Watchi ti on Space(Canadian version of the Sci-fi channel) and we are only at the end of season 1) but I wont becasue anyone who cares alrady knows what happens. Needless to say I get annoyed when things like this happen.

That is like...give me a minute to think of a good metaphor,

ok it is like when you have a two course meal and your are eatingthe soup, you get done with the firt course and that shiny troly come out iwht the main course and the trolly-dude lifts it up and under it is a check for your entire meal and the date that the main course will be ready.

I know it sucked leave me alone.

-End If Kris

What is wrong with hats?

Ok, our school is appearenty saying that you can no longer wear a hat in school anywhere. I don't wear a hat, but this still pisses me off. Before, you were able to wear a hat on break, lunch, and anywhere outside the classes, but no in class or the theater. I don't know why not. But now, because the teachers are pussys and couldn't get some kids to take them off, you can't where a hat at all. WHY THE FUCK NOT!?!?!?!???!!!? People say that it is for respect. Fuck them. (not actually fuck them, because my mother says it, and i'm not a big fan of insest) Another argument made is that you don't wear hats in church for respect. 1. God doesent give a fuck. 1.5 there is no god. 2. why the fuck not. 3. religion is suppose to be kept seperate from church. 4. Who is it showing respect to? The teachers can't wear hats, so it can't be respect to the teachers. 5. i forgot what it was. 6.ummmm..... fuck. anyways. I guess i'm done.

LOOP UNTIL AdamDenyse is a lezbian

Download Damnit

Lots of people download music. Good for you. Use Ares. But some people don't. Some don't have a computer, their not i'mportant, and probably old. Others have dial-up. Ha, you all suck. And other's believe in "ethics". Some of them do, but buy cd's to "support the artists". You are all fucking retards. Do you people know how music artits make their music. 90% of the money most bands make is from the sale of merchindice at concerts. You are supporting the Record labels that are taking their money. And most independent believe downloading is good publicity, and even let people listen to their music for free. Mc Chris is a good example of this. And he has some good music too. Anyways, Download Danmit.

LOOP UNTIL AdamKris has dial-up, Ha Ha.

My Cat...Cool Cat

My cat is retarded. He eats kitty litter and dives into the edges of the walls... today the baby gate fell on top of his head and he started to head bunt it. Funny. He finally shit, I was worried something was wrong because he hadn't used the bathroom all day yesterday but he's okay. My mother hates him soo much... always bitching at him and calling him mean names. He hissed at her today and she was like "that's it, if it hisses at me once more he's gone. Little black fucker" I was amused. I think I found his name COFFEE. It was going to be Nigger, but someone told me not to because they didn't like it and I was like, okay. Then this morning I was drinking coffee and the cat walked by and I was like *lightbulb* Coffee!!!! Coffee's black, he's works. Damn it! I'm good!!!

DIM sDenise
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