What is wrong with hats?

Ok, our school is appearenty saying that you can no longer wear a hat in school anywhere. I don't wear a hat, but this still pisses me off. Before, you were able to wear a hat on break, lunch, and anywhere outside the classes, but no in class or the theater. I don't know why not. But now, because the teachers are pussys and couldn't get some kids to take them off, you can't where a hat at all. WHY THE FUCK NOT!?!?!?!???!!!? People say that it is for respect. Fuck them. (not actually fuck them, because my mother says it, and i'm not a big fan of insest) Another argument made is that you don't wear hats in church for respect. 1. God doesent give a fuck. 1.5 there is no god. 2. why the fuck not. 3. religion is suppose to be kept seperate from church. 4. Who is it showing respect to? The teachers can't wear hats, so it can't be respect to the teachers. 5. i forgot what it was. 6.ummmm..... fuck. anyways. I guess i'm done.
LOOP UNTIL AdamDenyse is a lezbian
i like your rants :)
DIM sDenise
it's more of a FUCK OF SCHOOL, then just a rant. I think that made sence in my head.
ha... ha... ha. actually, that was fun.
adam you really need to read your post.
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