you know what....
The first guy who ate a lobster must have been pretty fucked up. Not to say lobster is a bad food but sriously LOOK at the thing would anyone possesing of the correct facaultys of the mind eat one of those? I can tell you that If my mother hadent have scarred me for life by shoving it down my mouth at the tender age of four then i would NEVER have EVER eaten one. It looks like a big mutant space bug. The type of thing that would enslave humanity if they were but bigger.
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Congratulations on the kitty denise.
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My computer room is getting a new floor. It is made of that slippery wooden stuff that clicks together and is all snappy and whatnot.
that is all
-End If Kris
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Congratulations on the kitty denise.
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My computer room is getting a new floor. It is made of that slippery wooden stuff that clicks together and is all snappy and whatnot.
that is all
-End If Kris
wow.. i was thinking the same thing about lobsters.... the whole.. who in their right frame of mind would even THINK of eating one of those "creatures" they so ugly and... how did he even get to it??? and then what made him actually EAT the thing????? anyways. thanks for the Hitler name suggestion for my cat.. but i think i'm calling him Nigger.
DIM sDenise
that slippery wooden stuff that clicks together and is all snappy and whatnot is called floating floor :) i have it in my computer room aswell.
DIM sDenise
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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