Download Damnit

Lots of people download music. Good for you. Use Ares. But some people don't. Some don't have a computer, their not i'mportant, and probably old. Others have dial-up. Ha, you all suck. And other's believe in "ethics". Some of them do, but buy cd's to "support the artists". You are all fucking retards. Do you people know how music artits make their music. 90% of the money most bands make is from the sale of merchindice at concerts. You are supporting the Record labels that are taking their money. And most independent believe downloading is good publicity, and even let people listen to their music for free. Mc Chris is a good example of this. And he has some good music too. Anyways, Download Danmit.
LOOP UNTIL AdamKris has dial-up, Ha Ha.
ethics suck.
If you want to support a band put 20 buck in an envelope mail it to them the download thier album.
-End If Kris
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