My Cat...Cool Cat

My cat is retarded. He eats kitty litter and dives into the edges of the walls... today the baby gate fell on top of his head and he started to head bunt it. Funny. He finally shit, I was worried something was wrong because he hadn't used the bathroom all day yesterday but he's okay. My mother hates him soo much... always bitching at him and calling him mean names. He hissed at her today and she was like "that's it, if it hisses at me once more he's gone. Little black fucker" I was amused. I think I found his name COFFEE. It was going to be Nigger, but someone told me not to because they didn't like it and I was like, okay. Then this morning I was drinking coffee and the cat walked by and I was like *lightbulb* Coffee!!!! Coffee's black, he's works. Damn it! I'm good!!!
DIM sDenise
My coffee is browinish. Theres hot chocklet in it. THAT'S RIGHT KRIS, I DRINK cafe mochas.(that took a good 10 times to get the semi-right spelling).
still, I liked stealth better.
and it's hot chocolate* lol chocklet.
DIM sDenise
fucking girly drink
it all like "look at me im ruined coffe with wip cream on me a choclolate crap on my wip cream.
Drink real coffee.(not the cat)
-End If Kris
gawd, even I can spell better then that.
yeah kris..that was pretty bad lol
DIM sDEnise
ya... i think that sucked... kris's spelling that is. haha... coffee. ur cat's funny
oh... and i love the lighbulb lol.
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