I had three people and no G.
I got in shit.
I was driving some of Becky's friends to a prom party and about half-way there they say that cops are checking the car for booze.
Oh by the way did I mention that Alysha(one of the friends(the other one was an asian named Roogn(pronounced Rune))) had a pint of vodka with her? It was in her purse.
Anyway a sane person would have said fuck it and gone home but no, I bowed to peer pressure and went on ahead anyway.
Well we got stopped.
He was a very mean cop (I think he was just trying to scare me) but I got off with a warning. Anyway the main point here is that this is the first time that I had to deal with the police when I was driving and it scared the living shit out of me. I drove like 4 kilometers per hour under the speed limit all the way home because the mean cop told me not to draw attention to myself.
Becky was holding my hand the whole time. We were both pretty shook up.
It was a checky-thingy to catch underage drinkin' and other bad things. The cop lady was very nice to me (because I was all G'd and legal I think) but it was still a bit too much after the first one. Oh, apparently my windshield is illegal.
Now I am gunna go hug and cuddle. I think I need it.
-End If Kris
i would be shitting my pants too. one time i was driving from ctown to up west and i was going pretty fast and it was night and the cops were coming towards me and they turned their lights on for a few seconds, as a warning for me to slow down, i think i drove like a granny the rest of the way home i was so scared. hahaha :)
I HATE when the cops that are escorting those dang windmill parts bleep their sirens at me. YES I KNOW I AM SUPPOSED TO PULL OVER AND STOP BUT COME ON I AM GOING LIKE 5 KPH ON DIRT HERE MAN!
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