Friday, May 26, 2006

Hair Gel Sucks!

Hair gel sucks ass. It is like the opposite of greasy hair, it is postivly crunchy when I used to use it (around middle school times) it made my scalp dry out and gave me horrible dandruff. Another problem with hair gel is that you cannot wear a hat with it in. When you put a hat on it it smushes it down and breaks the little pointys, also when the gel is still wet the hat slides down your head that is gross.

AlsoDensie was not is school today. That means that she was not in thec0rner or in computer science class. I miss the flesh hungry enragedphycopath gnawing on my arm.

*frowny face*

-End If Kris

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Monty Python's The Quest for the Holy Grail =\= Good Play.

Ok, Yesterday, our school put on a play of monty python's The Holy Grail. This is arguaibally the best movie of all time. One of the very few movies I have "bought", "pay'd for", "acquired leagaly", etc., However, Westile Compisite High School FUCKED IT UP ROYALY. It started off strong, until they met benavier, possibably even the black night's seen. "Come back here you yellow BASTARDS, I'll bite your legs off" -Black Knight, Horribal actors, bad chice of cast, women were used, Horribale back stage crew, they cut the movie off at the bridge of perril with Malory *shakes in discust* coming out of the closet, as well as saying that it was never recorded that they found the grail. This is true because the cops came and broke them up after fred was killed. And another thing, the couldn't swear, even after the opejing discalmer saying that it was not ment to be offencive, just funny. wtf, castle anthrex, "you must tie her to the bed and spank her, spank her well, and after you have spanked her, do as you please with her. And then,,,, spank me. and me, and me, yes, give us all a good spanking, and then, THE KISSING, WTfuckingF. it is and then, the ORAL SEX, not kissing, but galahad still calls lancalot gay. the rest of the corner is back, bye.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Sexy Hick

Have I got a treat for all you people!!! I was browsing Hot or Not one day, this was quite a while ago, anyways... I came across a picture of the most sexy hick in the whole wide world! He's mine and nobody else's. Well, Biti and I actually found him and we share him. But no one else is allowed to have him!!! Notice the jug of 'yellowish brown' liquid he's holding up and the goggles on top of his head. Also the dog in the background. And the trailer/truck on wheels. Isn't he great? Ahhh good times!

DIM sDenise

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Wierd things that I think only I do

1. Everytime I see someone I think aobut the easiest way to kill them. I dont know why but it just happens.

2. I repeate EVERYTHING I say inside of my head. It is like an echo for only me

3. When I am at home I sort of crawl/run up the stairs. It is faster.

4. I count things In my head. It isnt like OCD were everyhitng has to be exact all the time but I just do it. Usually I forget it in awile but sometimes I have an idea

5. I lick my wounds. Expecially when they are bleeding. I like the taste of blood(Not a vampire)

6. When I am bored I play video games in my head. seriously. I also sometimes make up sports leauges in my head for awile.

7. I yell at inatamite object when I trip over them or something. Like If I ran into the table and stubbed my toe I would be like "Well FUCK you too."

8. When I see an object the First Thing I think of is the best way to kill someone with it.

Put wierd things that you think only you do in the comments. I know adam has this wierd thing with the power button on the Nintendo DS.

-End If Kris

Not Just An Oreo Cookie

Okay...some of you are going to find this a little bit on the gross side, but some of you will also find this somewhat on the incredably awesome side. I decided to side with the Awesome Side. I once scanned my most favorite Oreo cookie because it was just the coolest cookie ever. I literally searched the entire bag of cookies just for this one cookie. And then I scanned it, saved it in my bedroom for two months before I finally decided to eat it. It was delicious.

DIM sDenise


(pestilent is a synonym for diseased see the archives)

I am sick. It sucks. The cursed affliction attacked the high walls of my bodys immune system with a vengance that should be reserved for fucking ragnorok. Needless to say the brave cells manning the walls were quickly wioed out and the plauge ran amok within be burning the homes of my cells and raping the women cells and killing the man and child cells. the reserves have been called up with that additional support of some Nyquil, The forces of the Anti-cingestion cels have blocked the way out and are so far holding the tide. Seriously it is gross how bad my nose is running rihgt now. Being sick really really sucks.

In other news I got a 160 gig hard drive for 50 bucks on ebay. (To adam, It is new in the box)


-End If Kris

EDIT: I just realized that I too got bitten by denise on the last day I was in school, perhaps the defenses of my body held out longer than spindly adams, perhaps I was already under siege and that was the last strw wahtever it was

Denise you must have built up an immunity to whatever you carry yet it affects normal humans worse that the Black Death.


Me and Adam's conversation on MSN...

aaadamaa says:
yellow air
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
red water
aaadamaa says:
orange ice
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
purple fire
aaadamaa says:
blue earth
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
pink forest
aaadamaa says:
green desert
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
black ocean
aaadamaa says:
brown mountin
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
golden volcano
aaadamaa says:
white city
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
burgandy snow
aaadamaa says:
gray rain
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
silver sunshine
aaadamaa says:
peach darkness
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
aqua field
aaadamaa says:
navy highway
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
turquoise star
aaadamaa says:
rose moon
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
crimson snail
aaadamaa says:
cream god
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
periwinkle ash
aaadamaa says:
kakki paper
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
lime lemon
aaadamaa says:
lemon lime
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
(cheater!) maroon sidewalk
aaadamaa says:
(i know none of these colors) Amber pencil
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
fuchsia eyebrow
aaadamaa says:
jade courpse
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
(whats next? vegetable barbie??? feeding tubes sold seperately?) teal orange
aaadamaa says:
(wtf is a periwinkle?)eggplant toung
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
(it's a color....blueish purple, and eggplant isn't a color that i am familar with) emerald barbie
aaadamaa says:
(i saw eggplant when i was looking for periwinkle, and isn't emerald and jade the same thing) Terra cotta horse
deиise εїз Double 0 Donut! says:
(you're searching up colors???? CHEATER!!!! i am thinking of these by looking around my room. i'm done playing with you!)

DIM sDenise
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