Thursday, October 05, 2006


Trailer Park Boys: The Movie comes in theatres tomorrow!!! I am sooo excited! I cannot wait to see this movie. I am going tomorrow night and I am going to laugh because it will be funny! hehehehe < me laughing already. Honestly, who does not like the Trailer Park Boys? They are just so amazing. I loves them. hahaha. That's all I really have to say at the moment.


much love be here.

Monday, October 02, 2006

entry 200

cigarettes and dope and mustard and bologna and liquor and whores. Every man's dream.

I got 97 % on my MIDTERM! woop woop.

woohoo $5 pizza night. I'm so excited. :) That's right. 12" pizza for 5 buckssss wooooo

muchhh love here!!! haaaa
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