Friday, June 30, 2006


I like a lot of types of music. A lot. I doubt there's a genre that i don't like at least some songs. Seriously, except country, I fucking hate counrty, and pei loves country, especially west prince. I don't belong here. Same with pei's pepsi obsesion. bloddy hell. but anyways, I never had a favorite genre. Seriously, classical to heavy metal, elton john, betels, marilen manson, fucking everyone. Dance, DDR, and Trance were some of my favorite, the faster the better. but not many exceded 170 bpm. beats per minit, most songs are around 135, so 170 is pretty damn fast, but not fast enough. While looking through Wikipdeia for an actuall defination of Trance music, i started folowing links, which eventually led me to bpm, i obviously knew what it is, but it gave examples of various genres and there average bpm, jungle was pretty fast at 170-200, but then i was it, speedcore, 235-1000bpm. eXtreame music, the only kind that's more hardcore is extratone and 1000+, but it's almost noise. After much searching, i started finding, And this sutff is seriously hardcore, and FAST! a good song if someone wants to try it is, Army Of Speedcore by Dj Noisekick, of we're all to blame by sum 41. but it randomly slows down. still good. Anyways, I've told the world about speedcore. Although 3/4 of the regular readers
already know about it.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

cold and soggy

I just got back from fishing. Had to get up at 3:30am, That sucked ass, I had to do Manual Labor WTF, I don't do well with actual work. I plan to work at google, thats typing, no lifting of traps there, I am currently employed at sandspit amusement park, yelling at kids, doesen't require much strentgh, but i made some money, so it's all good. even though everything sucks but the money. All I ate most of the day was tic tacs, then i got that all you ate was tic tacs taste in my mouth, so i switched to smarties.

If anyone cares, my report card is as follows: chem86 cmp84 eng71 mat75 that is an average of 79, with an average of 80, My parents would have bought me a $800.oo laptop, which i would have convinced to get a $1000.oo laptop over time. Now i get shit all. Fucking sucks. My scedual for next year has 4 errors, concerding I only have 8 courses in the course of a year, they fucked up pretty bad.
just mixing it up
LOOP UNTIL AdamDenyse is a lezbian

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Home for a few days.

Had a few days off work (3), so I came home, and it's SOOO good to be on a real computer. *sigh of relief* Anything to do with the internet, except service providers, should NOT be alloud to advertise on TV. It's been a while since I watched much tv, and, WTF,, vonage, yahoo, shit ton of dating sites, poker sites everywhere, STOP IT! You are taking advantage of the stupid people who don't know how to work a computer. Yah, I got lost in the woods the other day, after wondering around for a while talking on the phone, Took me about 45 min. to get back. I guess that's my news. Fuck a good ending...... Wait,,,, report cards are coming out soon..., fuck, i don't want to be home when mine comes in. My main reason for leaving is to get away from all the yelling. damn it.


Monday, June 26, 2006

cough... sniff

i'm sick and it sucks. it really sucks.... ):

DIM sDenise

Jeez Elementary kids dont NEED a graduation

Stupid little bastards, my brother finally got out of that hell that was elementary (primary for you wierd folk) school. Now i remember elementary, oh wait no I don't I dont remember it at all. I DO however remember the IMMENSE feeling or relif when i at long long last left that hellhole that they call a school.

And fell into a deeper one with less number and more letters

then i got out of there

and hit an even deeper one were numbers are not letters but actual letters and thats only when they arent being numbers. There is a class i remember from this year of high school though I called it "Philosophy 101" Adam called it crazy, the teachers well they called it Math 521-B bt no the nightmare has ended and i am cast out, report cards are tommorow i can only hope they took pity upon me...

-End If Kris

ps: i just went to google to spellcheck Philosophy and read a digg article that says men with older brothers are more likey to be Gay...good job im the oldest

Sunday, June 25, 2006

really, they don't

The internet's crapping out, and their closing soon, so I can't finish this post, how ever, i realized that not a lot of my posts have pics, cause i don't have mine here, so i'm just linking to previous pics, rather then saving, cause i'm a lazy bastard, and this computer has amazing resolution, 2048 by 1536, and it's a small ass screen, well, normial. i'm using 1600 by 1200, it's really nice, the computer in the....corner... *dies*


pedifiles just don't care

I've learned something today, but first, the title has nothing to do with this, back to my discovery. If I have power, I turn into a sadistic bastard. My goal for the summer, other then to get laid, is to have someone call me a sadistic bastard. Preferabaly at the same time, but seperate will still do. Yah, worked till closing today, first time, 'cept safe grad, but fuck, that was only two hours. I appear to be using a lot of ,, but perinthisai are so much better, however, i do like to use , in place of them. I'm blogging from my usualy C@P site, which still isn't an email, by the way, but on a different computer, the corner computer........O....M............G!!!!!, *dies*


boot time

Safe grad pictures are finally posted on the internet for the world to see. I didn't post the extremely embarassing ones... but these are still pretty bad... anyways go to my site, and then to the Pictures page to view them... and don't forget to leave a comment :)


DIM sDenise
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