Wii missed our 50th anaversy

In then end, this took like 20 edits, and I still couldn't get it all. I hope you appricate it, you lazy bastards.
Been to hardtofind800numbers.com, I've been calling msn. They have an automated voice reconition thingy. Boy is it stupid "MSN SUX" did you say pasword reset? "NO" for "NO" i "NO" sorry "NO" i'm transfering you to a repersentive. beep beep. Trust me it's fun. 800-494-2962 Give it a try. what is you last name? "(blew into the phone)" could you spell that please, "Q-Q-Q-Q-Q-Q-Q" what is your phone number? "800-494-2962"......... anyways, here is the main menu. There fucking retards. Don't worry, the pic isn't a virus. <-should be black txt. Fuck, clipped by word wrap<-also black txt.
I sometimes screw up changing the color . I then say fuck.
Brought to you by the song "hot limit", and by falling very fast.
we fall at 29 m/s/s
LOOP UNTIL AdamEvan doesen't have a penis