So this whole Flock thing is pretty sweet

I have been using flock for a little while and i have to say that i am quite impressed by what it can do(i am posting this from Flock right now). It will definatly not be replacing good ol' dependable firefox but is a viable contender for my second browser (now currently the Opera browser) I especially like the ablity to hook up my bookmarks (that i just started) and my blogger account and a myraid of other things like flickr (i dont use it) and photobuckets and all that other jazz. Now it is still in the "limbo" between alpha and beta as the developers (an offshoot of the mozzila team) call it. Anyway it is still full of bugs and little dodads that dont DO anything as of yet, It eats memory like it is chips and dip and it has a at first stupid but then grows on you blue and white theme. all in all i would recommend anyone that makes use of any "Web 2.0" applications to take a look at it. Otherwise just Get Firefox.
((I)( use)( way) (to (many brackets)))
-endif kris
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