Operation: Watch some fucking hockey

I love hockey. This is something that I probably should have mentioned in my very first post but didn't. Stupid me. Anyway (don't stereotype so I am a Canadian who like hockey, so what...hoser.) Ok so for those of you who don't know the Telus Cup (formerly known as the Air Canada cup) is the national Midget AAA championship it is like the Stanley cup of minor hockey. ( if you don't know what the Stanley cup is go and kill yourself right now because you don't deserve to live.) Well I got free tickets to this event and what was I going to do, lay around all Sunday like a useless sack of crap and Watch Stargate DVD's like I usually do until the NHL playoffs come on? Fuck no I was gunna watch some go damn hockey. So the first problem was how to ge there. My dad had gotten my ticket off a guy who he knows through his business. He went and got a few more so I could get a ride with my friends (he had to work but he showed up anyway.) Anyway we drove into Charlottown(oh noes you know what province I live in don't rape me in my sleep please) ok going to C'town in a van with three guys age 16 absolutely BLASTING (I know your thinking Gangsta rap) Country music. Not that stupid winy ass American crap but really Country-rock style stuff.
I want you to form a picture in your head, three teenagers,in a minivan,going at around 110 klicks blaring country in the middle of a city? It makes you question the very fundametals of the universe eh?
anyway the game was fucking awesome. It was defiantly worth the money because it was free, seriously though TRIPLE OVERTIME!!! That is like getting two hockey game for the price of none as an added bonus I found a couple of other guys from the hockey team this winter and we drove around for awhile. Anyway I am tired as hell because I don't know why
Peace out
-End If Kris
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