Lunchtime #3

Lunchtime today was rather interesting.... Kris apparently wants leather shorts. How sexy is that? Very sexy, I tell ya. Yum yum yum. (joking, by the way) And then we continued on to talk about the Matrix, well more like Kris talked about the Matrix to himself for like... 15 or 20 minutes. I had to beg him, almost, to come and get food with me. Hot hamburger, swimming in a plate of chicken gravy and ketchup. Twas yummy. We came to a conclusion today that everyone breaks laws. Especially in the privacy of their own home, whether it be looking at beloved porn or burning copyright versions of whatever onto many CDs and giving them to people. I almost died at lunch. Too much laughing. It wasn't even coming out as laughing.. more like little squeaks. It was horrid.
If you guys want to add on to this, feel free.... I have no clue what we did today... Memory span of a goldfish :)
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