I just want to say...

I totally agree and would like to add another point.
If all this stuff is really that bad for you, if everything really does give you cancer, if we are just a civilization of fat lazy bastards then why arent we all just dropping dead right now?
seriously why are there not bodies littering the street. Why has mcDondalds not been charged with mass murder? If the statistcs are ture then we should all be dead right about now. The younglings are being corrupted by violent video games, the old are taking all of our food. There are dieases galore that supposedly going to wipe us out for good. Sars, Bird flu, Ebola, and any other disease that crops up every few years. On top of all that everyone on the planet is being extremly stupid and killing each other for no reason at all. Now several people (2) know that i am a sci-fi fan. People, I wish some of that shit would go down. I think a fucking alien invasion is the only thing that could possibly pull our planet together. I dont really have a point to all this but im just saying the world is fucked up major. I really think we need a major wake-up call to get our damn act together.
sorry for being so emo
-End If Kris
hmmm you make a point.....umm was going to say something but i completely blanked out.... ahhhh
the variables must have broken me
DIM sDenise
Heed my warning, avoid the variables, the const's are out to get you.
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