A figure of speech

I am putting this up in response to an almost constant barrage of taunting surronding one single comment. The comment was that, and i quote form myself "Linux is a strange animal." I was equating the relative foreigness of the LInux operating system to that of finding a strange animal. This is an antropomorfic figure of speech.
Now the other two people that run this blog alongalong with would have you belive otherwise. The very fact that I had do come along and fix up Adams post would suggest that his grap upon the english language is tenuis at best however Denise one owuld expect that she could see the logic inherint in the argument. However she seems to insist on taking adams side in this stupid and continuos argument. I appeal to you, the readers that the counter says we have PLEASE set the record strait on this most stupid of arguments.
-End If Kris
i have no clue as to what you are yapping about boy
DIM sDenise
dude you talk to much.
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