Fish vs Cop Killer

Okay so this is an age old debate:::: is fish really meat?
My answer to that is yes. Fish is meat because it comes from an animal and it's very meat like. I hate when people tell me fish isn't meat and I ask them what the hell it is and they are like "it's fish"! Mother fucker. Stop with the foolishness, seriously. Fish is meat, so just deal with that concept. It's not extremely hard. Even a pigeon could get that through his mini head. So if you can't, there is obviously something wrong with you. You're too stupid. And I know there is going to be some asshole to disagree with me about this "debate" but you know what? I really don't care because I know I'm right and guess what? I'm always right! Ask anyone.... yup. It's 3 AM and I'm over fucking tired. Weeeeeeeeee
Just a tidbit of information for you... never feed a horse just randomly tied up on the street to a lamp post pink popcorn, pizza, chocolate, pop, or marshmellows because chances are that it's name is Buttercup and you like buttered things and that horse is diabetic. So just stay away from the horse if you don't want to end up going to prison and being on the front page of every major newspaper as "Cop Killer" because chances are the horse belongs to a cop who is dearly in love with his horse... and yeah... from experience just STAY AWAY FROM RANDOM HORSES TIED TO LAMP POSTS!
DIM sDenise
People say fish isn't meat, it's protine. Well just a tid bit of informatoin, EVERY LIVING THING IS MADE OF PROTINE!!! Are you saying that trees are fish?
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