Grapenuts, are they actually nuts?

Here's today's question of the day::: What exactly is a grapenut? You know the scrumchus icecream you all love so much that has those itty bitty tiny little "nuts" so to speak inside it that make you crunch and the odd time they get caught in your teeth and are annoying as hell to get out but we consistantly continue to lick away at the icecream because it tastes sooo good.
Moving onto to a more subtle topic... wet dogs. Have you ever actually smelled a wet dog. Not impressive. As my Grammy once said "A wet dog is not a good smelling dog." Did you ever wake up in the morning and smell wet dog? And the really strange thing is, you have no goddamn dog!?!? Yeah, well, that's not very fun because then you will find yourself curled into a little ball in the corner of a very white room rocking back and fourth yelling "they're coming! they're coming!" while a very nice lady dressed in white comes and takes you away. You wake up finding yourself wearing a tin foil hat....... and that's the end. So if you smell wet dog... for god's sake.. DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!
till next time...
DIM sDenise
peanuts aren't nuts, there a type of pea
thats bullshit adam they are obiously a small animal that is being hunted to extiction and we should speakout against the unethical treatment of them
damn it that was me up there
-End IF Kris
bull, that was not you, that was the discoloured waters of asia hacking our account and posting rooms that pretend to......629!!!!!!!!!!!
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