Public Service Announcement

It's me again. Yup... the one and only double 0 Donut! And if you can't figure who that is, well you're just dumb. So the first day and already there is a Public Apology* ...that's pretty bad. But what can you expect, seriously? I should probably start off with a Public Service Announcement. Everything needs one of those....
This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you in part by Double 0 Donut. Double 0 Donut does not give a FRIGG.. what you think! If you don't like it, you can mayonaise your friggin' weenie! Little did you know, upon visiting this "blog", you have just spanked her bum. Double 0 Donut is fed up with your poop... and she's going to 'tickle' you! (wink wink) Children with laces in their shoes are NOT permitted to view the content of this wonderful "blog" for the simple reason that we like bunnies...and rocket launchers.
ps. It is NOT pink, it is LIGHT RED!
till next time...
DIM sDenise
Double 0 Donut
just want to point out that dount is a guy. a guy that got to go to E3 due to "female problems" but a guy none the less.
"Simmons!!! I need your ovaries!" - Donut.
Keep in mind, Donut is a guy.
Dim sDenise
Donut is very much a guy, in I believe episode...god knows... church takes over donuts body and finds it "rather roomy" but then again, church is rather small.
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