5 Star Pants

So, what's 5 star pants, you say? Well... you see. It is a very simple yet complex concept.. very similar to the classification of hotels. You know... 1 star, 2 star, 3 star and so on... Today Kris had on *5* star pants!! That is just outstanding and amazing. Big Upps to him :) Myself, I only had on 2 star jeans.. very 'not-so-cool'. Adam on the other hand... had on no star SPLASH! pants because everyone knows Splash! pants SUCK!! Yes, I'm sorry Adam but it is the truth. Deal with it :) Don't worry son... it only gets better....
Here is a list of foods that ARE good NO MATTER what anyone else SAYS! :::::::
1. Poutine with gravy AND ketchup. (yes both.. and no do not pick just ONE (gravy OR ketchup) ..pick BOTH)
2. Kraft Dinner with ketchup AND chunks of weiner. (everyone's had this as a youngster.. you have to admit that it was pretty scrumchus.. ADMIT IT!!!)
3. The white stuff on a watermelon. (Clearly I don't understand why people throw it out.. it's so yummylicious)
4. Pizza and ketchup. (seriously try it... it's an orgasm waiting to happen...)
5. Add ketchup to anything and you got yourself a good meal.
Till next time......
DIM sDenise

So, what's 5 star pants, you say? Well... you see. It is a very simple yet complex concept.. very similar to the classification of hotels. You know... 1 star, 2 star, 3 star and so on... Today Kris had on *5* star pants!! That is just outstanding and amazing. Big Upps to him :) Myself, I only had on 2 star jeans.. very 'not-so-cool'. Adam on the other hand... had on no star SPLASH! pants because everyone knows Splash! pants SUCK!! Yes, I'm sorry Adam but it is the truth. Deal with it :) Don't worry son... it only gets better....
Here is a list of foods that ARE good NO MATTER what anyone else SAYS! :::::::
1. Poutine with gravy AND ketchup. (yes both.. and no do not pick just ONE (gravy OR ketchup) ..pick BOTH)
2. Kraft Dinner with ketchup AND chunks of weiner. (everyone's had this as a youngster.. you have to admit that it was pretty scrumchus.. ADMIT IT!!!)
3. The white stuff on a watermelon. (Clearly I don't understand why people throw it out.. it's so yummylicious)
4. Pizza and ketchup. (seriously try it... it's an orgasm waiting to happen...)
5. Add ketchup to anything and you got yourself a good meal.
Till next time......
DIM sDenise
Adam likes his "splash pants" even though there NOT SPLASH PANTS!!!
the-other-one made me think that there were "outsiders" on our blog. the other one must way the same as a duck. BURN HER, BURN HER.
a duck? i think i'm insulted. how dare you...one of you....grrr....i'm steaming mad....
you don't even know what it means. ur just that dumb. almost too dumb to weigh as much as a duck. but it still stands
sRebeca = nDuck
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