Sanaty vs. Physics

I have a problem with "Physics". It is mainly based around the speed of light according to "Physics", there is no greater speed than the speed of light. That also means that if two beams of light are approaching each other, rather then approaching a twice the speed of light then they are only approaching at the speed of light. Now, if you did not understand that take the following example, two cars are driving towards each other each one is going 10km/h then they are approaching each other at 20km/h. If those cars were light, then they would only be approaching at 10km/h. This is wrong.
Another error with "Physics" and the speed of light is that if you are traviling and 1km/h less then the speed of light and there is a beam of light following you it passes you at the speed of light as if you were stopped, rather then 1km/h. So either you somehow stop moving (a dead stop from 1km/h less then the speed of light would cause instant death) or the beam of light was gong at near twice the speed of light, which is apparently not possible. SUCK IT MACDOUGALD!!
I believe that this problem stems from the famous formula E=MC². Thank you Einstien. due to this, it takes an infinite amout of energey to make something with mass reach the speed of light. This is the sorce of the problems. When this formula was created, Einstine THOUGHT that you could not exceade the speed of light. Everyone bought it. "Physics" is broken.
This acticle was brought to you by, Burn buy Alkilne Trio , Dark of the Mattinee by Franz Ferdinand, and a crap load of dance music.
It fuels my brain.
-This artical had been fixed by the Grammar Police
LOOP UNTIL AdamDenyse is a lezbian
adam your stupid
Just because your brain is too small to handle such obvious inforemation, it doesen't make me stupid, it makes you stupid for not understanding, rebecca.
right...because i don't understand you and your stupid ramblings of physics i'm stupid??? i'm not the one questioning the speed of light.
AND i'm not the one with harry potter hair!!!
because you don't understand DOES make you stupid. And believing what random people tell you doesen't help either, and what does my hair have to do with the speed of light. ur a fucking retard.
the fact that you choose to not get a better hair cut after it's been pointed out many times that you look like harry potter makes you the idiot there adam.
and what the fuck does random people telling me things have to do with it???
Ur using my hair to try and distract people about the true issue of you being an idiot. And the random people are your physics teachers.
if they are my physics teachers then they are not random people. they are my physics teachers. but because of your idiocracy, you don't realize that these such people do not exist because i have no physics classes, therefore no physics teachers. and your hair shouldn't be distracting. i just like pointing out that you look like harry potter. and the people i am distracting? have you not noticed that other than you three, i am the only one actually commenting???
Everyone has an ip if they are online, just go to grokster or ipchicken to find out. And bring these arguments to a newer post.
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