The properties of Ninjas

To counter-act the recent posting of non-funny ,non-argumentative article this will be a post aobut the propeties of the "Sneakus japanesus" or the common Ninja.
several well-known properties are the ability to run really really fast even with the arms trailing behind them. I theroize that this is to create drag and keep them from moving so fast that they rip themselves apart.
Another well-known aspect of ninjary is the ability to seemingly appear and disapear at will. This is realted to the ability suggested in number one that they do this over short distances and move faster than the eye could track.
An average ninja can jump vetically almost 10 feet on average and witha velocity approching 20 km/h
Surviving great falls is another ninja trait that seems rather difficult to comprehend but works with the newtonion idea that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction this principle is put into action when a ninja falls from a very great hight they jump the second that they hit the ground thus cutting the velocity at witch they hit the ground to an acceptable rate this is why the ground does indead seem to "break up" but the ninja is question is never harmed.
Another seeming amazing feat that can be accomplished is the act of seemingly defying gravity. Now one might say to oneself that "flying" is impossible and that it cant be done by a human. One would be right. Now iknow that you are expecting me to simply put a ninja ona pedistal and say look here is a ninja and they are not human. There are two flaws with this. One I would be dead before icould even try to capture a ninja and Two ninjas are human and the don not fly. This seeming defyance of gravity is only an illiusion. It is only seen in movies and is simply that when a ninja goes into battle the rest of the world and external stimuli that could distract are blocked out until the coudl come to casue harm to the ninja. This forces a ninja's mind into a state of super conciousness similar to that of a Buddist Monk in meditation. This only make the world an time slow to the ninja and somewhat do his opponent because anyone who could stand up to a ninja can obiously attain the same understanding a the ninja in question. This hyper-conciousness is also why the background becomes blurred in amy fight seans
Well that all i can think of right now any problems can go into the Comments and adam you dont have to write a post about how stupid i am im just doing something interesting that isnt from site BTW).
see you next misson
-End If Kris
you are ninja obsessed..but that "article" so to speak was kind of dull.... i shall say this again :::::::WHAT HAPPENED TO STUPID FUNNY THINGS???? :::::: ahhh and yes... i agree with you about the whole using as a blog entry is a bit lame... they don't like our site why should we promote their site...even though, i must admit it is an interesting site......
till next time....
DIM sDenise
My brain stopped functioning half way through. Then the lines started changing colors. I must have missed the funny part, what was it again?
And nice use of grammer by the way, there's not a snowballs chance in HELL of me fixing that.
why would you fix it when you can't even fix your own???
At one point we had a ninja working for us. They're a testy bunch. I remember angering Sang once... he decided to retaliate by moving my house exactly 1 1/4 inch to the left of the foundation. It was disastrous I found myself struggling with the extra 1 1/4 inch of an effort it was going to take to open my door from that moment forward.
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