Grinding Gears

You know what really GRINDS MY GEARS... old movies made back in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and80's. They are just so damn cheesy it's not even funny-cheesy! For instance, the old Batman TV shows.... like.. I know it's supposed to be cheesy, but c'mon dick! ....plastic costumes? At least afford some REAL fabric. Hahaha. And the backgrounds to these TV shows/movies look like tey were painted by a bunch of kindergarten children while dollar store crayons! (Oh buuurn)
Moving on to a little yummy topic... CHEESE CURDS!!! So amazingly delicious. I bought two bags of it and I just can't get enough of it although it will probably make me constipated because everyone says what when you eat a lot of cheese your hole plugs up and you can't shit right for a few days or whatnot.
As my Uncle Chuck once told me, "if somebody calls you unique, that isn't good". Now for the Jepordy question::: what exactly does being unique mean? Not the dictionary definition. I mean in the bad way.. is it a polite way of insulting someone? Or does it mean that you truly ARE special.... No one will ever know....... dun dun dun
till next time
DIM sDenise
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