On BASIC coding

Alright there is a very very simple idea that I use as the basis of my life. Do the bare minimum of work to achive the desired results. Now denise on the other hand has a rather odd relationship with Dims and constants.
now an example of code for a very very simple project that we had to do in computer science
My code
Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdG_Click()
If opt1 = True Then
Txt2 = txt1 * 25 * 1.17
ElseIf opt2 = True Then
Txt2 = txt1 * 35 * 1.17
ElseIf Opt3 = True Then
Txt2 = txt1 * 15 * 1.17
End If
End Sub
Her Code
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
Dim sTrees, sTotal As Single
Const sPST = 1.1
Const sGST = 1.07
Const sFur = 25
Const sPine = 35
Const sSpruce = 15
sTrees = Val(txtTrees.Text)
sTotal = Val(txtTotal.Text)
If optFur.Value = True Then
sTotal = ((sFur * sPST) * sGST) * sTrees
ElseIf optPine.Value = True Then
sTotal = ((sPine * sPST) * sGST) * sTrees
ElseIf optSpruce.Value = True Then
sTotal = ((sSpruce * sPST) * sGST) * sTrees
End If
End Sub
now mine works and her does not what does that tell you about the length of programs
If you immediatly know that the candle is flame then the meal was cooked long ago
End If Kris
my coding is obviously much better than yours Kris.... because i use DIMs and CONSTs :) oh ya! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
DIM sDenise
happy 4/20..........TOKE BOTTLE BOY lol... i'm never going to let you forget that :p
DIM sDenise
zzzz....wha? is it funny yet? no? zzzzz......
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