
There really is no place like home.
Neon under glow lights are illegal but they are amazing. Why are they illegal anyways? Is it because they distract other drivers at night time when driving down the road and see you this car coming at you with neon blue lights underneath it. The first thoughts that come to mind are --- Is it a space ship? Ooooh pretty. --- Then end up getting distracted by the pretty lights and go off the road into the ditch or over a sidewalk completely wiping out a seven generation family out for a nice evening stroll only to be ruined by some moronic idiot who got distracted by pretty blue neon lights under another moronic idiot's car.
Something that really boggles my mind is when some one, usually a 'cool' guy, has a shitty piece of junk rust bucket of car and inside that shitty piece of junk rust bucket of a car there is a nice 700 dollar stereo system where the actual system is worth more than the car itself. That pisses me off. And they all gather around in some abandoned parking lot and listen to music on this 700 dollar stereo system while his back bumper falls off, a side mirror is smashed, a wheel is busted and he's driving on the rusty old rim, and the actual is car full of dents and multi-colored patches of paint that looks like it was rolled on by his 4 year old blind sister. Attractive.
That's all for now... It's 3:30 in the AM and I am literally POOPED! With a double 0!!! ;)
DIM sDenise
Welcome home, why don't you tell the fine readers about your trip, and as for the blogging about the digg stories, that was only for free advertising for us. You know the bar on the right of the story that says who blogged this, we would be the only one there. It gave us approximtality 3% more traffic.
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