Quick guide on downloading

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Almost everyone has head of P2P downloads (peer to peer). Some of us use Ares, some of us use kazza, some of us use irc, some of us use bit torrent.
The common p2p type use programs like Ares and kazza . Thay are ok, but not great. Ares is probably the best. Kazza is horrible. Stay away from lime wire, DO NOT USE LIME WIRE. That program is the DEVIL. Don't even poke it with a stick(although that is probably where it got most of it's holes). Bare share, horrid, people have there preferences. Mine is Ares, use whatever you like, except kazza, bareshare, AND NO LIMEWIRE.
Then there is IRC(internet relay chat), most people have been to chat rooms before, all you child molesters out there, this is for you. It is rather complicated, but almost impossible to shut down. The chat clients(programs) usually work with a website, and people post files, and then send them over the irc client (chat program) to a few people at a time. This is for the more advanced pirates of the internet, and not for slow connections, Sorry kris, your out. I would recommend mIRC, although I am not sure what web site they use. And to all you rapers of the children, just use this for the kiddy pr0n, rather then the real thing if you wouldn't mind.
Now, for my favorite, BitTorrent, there is a great article, and picture, on wikipedia. Bacially it takes the file, rips is appart, sends the pieces to other people, they send it to each other, untill everyone gets the file. So you can start uploading the file as soon as you start downloading, creating some extreamley fast download speeds. You download the client(program) on to your computer, then got to a traker(web site that trakes torrents) and pick the ones you want to download. I recomend the pirate bay. For clients, I do not reccomend Bit Torrent, My favorite is Azureus. Although I have experimented with many.
LOOP UNTIL AdamDenyse is a lezbian
LimeWire ALLLLLLLLL the way!
DIM sDenise
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