That paperclip dude

I know i am horribly behind the times but that doesnt really matter. I have a new hero. This man
traded the red paperclip that all this text is beside for a fish pen, he traded the pen for a nice hand sclupted doorknob, after that he traded the doorknob for a coleman camp stove with fuel included. He got a Generator for the stove and a "Party in a box" a keg ,a cupon to get the keg filled and a neon beer sign. For all that he got a ski-doo from a canadian radio guy (oh i forgot to mention that Kyle Macdonald is canadian just like us.) He got a free trip to a place called "Yahk" in alberta(look it up on google earth) anyway for his trip he got a cube van traded the van for a record contract and finally traded the contract for a years rent in Pheonix. He is still trying to get a house out of this so if you have something worth trading head over red paperclip
-end if Kris
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