Friday, October 27, 2006

Why this damn computer sucks

That was alot of tabs. Fucking mouse sucks ass. My computer in Computer repair is better than this and it runs DOS and Windows 3.11. Anyway I can type (as long as the keyboard doesn't break) so I can talk aobut Rocketmen.

I want to build a spaceship. It has plans and a 3-D model accosiated. I need a bucnh of materials(jet and rocket engines among them) and a place to lauch (it will be able to take off from an airport(probably slemon park)). It will simply be a viechile for world domination however as I plan to build(with others) a large magnetically accelerated cannon in orbit and terroize(hello FBI man) and eventually subdue the nations of the earth. Many small and incosequential things will be changed. Like intoducing algebra in the third grade and logartims in the fourth. If anyone does not comply then it is accelrated metal death for them. If you are wise you will submit now and I will e-mail you the targets ahead of time.

Also halloween is coming up soon. I plan ot do the same thing I do ever halloween, watch indiana Jones and paintball eggers.

-End If Kris

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My day summed up


Seriously, completly average in every way. There was a van de graph generator in electronics today. That class was shocking!

*cricket sounds*

Yeah ok bad pun.

I only made A in hockey :( oh well, friends are there so it is ok.

Oh, if anyone is wondering why it took so long to post it is because school computers rules suck.

-End If Kris

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What the world needs more of.

-More salty chips
-More food for the starving peoples
-Less stupid people (maybe kill them for food?)
- Yes, it is lunchtime.

Well, I guess I'm back because there is nothing else to do on this lucnh SOOOOO, Blog-na is back bitches. I dunno if adam or denise will pick this up (comon denise you have alot of free time now(right?(right))) Hmmm, my shift key just broke.

Holy crap, Trogdor is in Guitar Hero two!

If you dont know who Trogdor is then go kill yourself



or you could watch the movie(strongbad e-mail(stupid school))

Anyways food time so Fun time. EATS!
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