ow ow ow
well, I've had guitar hero II for 9 hours now. I've beaten the game on hard, passed freebird on hard, unlocked tragdor and beeten it on hard, and now i'm playing it on godly slow easy to unlock more guitars. but dear god my wirst hurts. an old snowboarding accedent coming back to haunt me. skiing (is less then) snowboarding (is less then) snowbladding. w00t. (fucking blogger saying i'm using html incorrectley.
after beating the finial song (40) in careear mode, like the always do after 4 songs, only this time it's for freebird. then the screen pops up do you want to play it. yes or no. you click yes. are you sure. yes. you're sure. yes. you don't have to. yes. this is your last change. yes. then it loads. and for the loading advice, it just says. wow, you must really like freebird.
you are playing at stone hendge, and it starts with crows flying out, lightning, and your speekers bursting into flames, then a flying sauser comes and zaps your stage, and if you pass, it takes you away.
after beating the finial song (40) in careear mode, like the always do after 4 songs, only this time it's for freebird. then the screen pops up do you want to play it. yes or no. you click yes. are you sure. yes. you're sure. yes. you don't have to. yes. this is your last change. yes. then it loads. and for the loading advice, it just says. wow, you must really like freebird.
you are playing at stone hendge, and it starts with crows flying out, lightning, and your speekers bursting into flames, then a flying sauser comes and zaps your stage, and if you pass, it takes you away.