Sunday, November 12, 2006

ow ow ow

well, I've had guitar hero II for 9 hours now. I've beaten the game on hard, passed freebird on hard, unlocked tragdor and beeten it on hard, and now i'm playing it on godly slow easy to unlock more guitars. but dear god my wirst hurts. an old snowboarding accedent coming back to haunt me. skiing (is less then) snowboarding (is less then) snowbladding. w00t. (fucking blogger saying i'm using html incorrectley.

after beating the finial song (40) in careear mode, like the always do after 4 songs, only this time it's for freebird. then the screen pops up do you want to play it. yes or no. you click yes. are you sure. yes. you're sure. yes. you don't have to. yes. this is your last change. yes. then it loads. and for the loading advice, it just says. wow, you must really like freebird.

you are playing at stone hendge, and it starts with crows flying out, lightning, and your speekers bursting into flames, then a flying sauser comes and zaps your stage, and if you pass, it takes you away.


My strum bar squeeks

Hell Yess. Just finished rocking out Less Talk More Rokk by Freezepop on GUITAR HERO II!!!!!! w00t w00t. I finially got to play it today, after waiting since Monday for it to get here. Great songs, out of what i've seen, slightley harder songs,,,,,BUT, That GOD RedOctane fixed the hammer-on's and pull-off's. If you played guitar hero then you know that once it got hard, you could not keep up, unless you seziured or something. Mind you, theres enough flashing lights in the game to make it happen. The only way to survive the solos were the hammer-on's and pull-off's, but my god they were uber hard and crazaley unforgiving. in this game there much easier. making the solos do able. YAY for TROGDOR, and yay for more freezepop, and yay for the police. althou i would have prefered king of pain. message is a bottle is good though. they all are, except roxanne. i degress. and kill small animals. the songs are still long though. oh, and 3 note cords kick ass as well. Oh, and praise the maker, they brough back the reeper. The ONLY character I will play with. Just like the Pirate in DDR

A pirate walks into a bar with a stering wheel on his testicles. The bar tender says "you have a stering wheel on your testicles" to which the pirate replys "Yarrrrh, there driving me nuts!"

oh, and the dvd drive doesen't work on my satellite anymore, damn it.

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