The Pant

I was inspired by a favorite Intraweb cartoonist tooday. Jeffery Rowland is a brilliant man and i agree with his veiw on the pant.
Had I have gotten dressed today I would have put on what is commonly known as "Pants" now i have an issue with that S. Go to were you keep your garments, the internet will wait for you...
ok back?
Ok screw this then I am not waiting any longer for you slowpoke. Now when you finally get around to reading this you will noti...FIANALLY, what took so long? Anyway as I was saying did you see your Pants? Did you hold your pantS in your hand? Perhaps you fondled your pants, whatever you did (sicko) you will notice the quantity of the item in your hands. 1 there is on PANT!!!!!!
*goes insane*
-End If Kris
and you guys think i'm completely nuts for studying the uniform of a MacDonald's employee...... get a life.
DIM sDenise
i have lots of time to think in the summer...:(
i went to macdonalds yesterday.... never noticed their pants before you mentioned it.... they are really wierd. there goes my "flip burgers at macdonalds" life ambition....
There called pants, just like glasses, and such, I had a big list, but the page took so damn long to load I forgot. I'm on Internet Exploiter. :( Fucking new window crap.
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