
Beans of Jelly are THE MOST wonderful food on this entire planet, except of course Pancakes. But that's a whole different blog entry all together. Back to my best friends, the beans of jelly... They are just the perfect combination of virtually everything. Plus not only are they the most healthiest food for you, they also remind me of "Jiggly Butt" which is one of the Foamy cartoons. 'Ohhh it's like jellaton' Yes anyways.. back to the beans. So I heard Kris has ORGANIC beans of jelly. --Kris, you are Cool!-- Take advantage of that Kris, because I will probably never say that again. Unless.... ahh there isn't an Unless, who am I kidding?

I'll leave you with that scrumchas thought for today...
DIM sDenise
actually they are 'Gourmet" jelly beans i will bring in the box tommorw.
-End If Kris
oh, sorry... my bad. GOURMET
DIM sDenise
but so many gourmet jelly beans (jelly bellys) are crap, although some are good. none as good as normal white ones. and orange. and green.
sou brasileiro
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