holy spore

I know that kris is obsesed with this game, but it does look cool. it was made by the guy who created the sims, and sim city. You basically start out with a one celled organism, and evlove to the point of glatic conquest. The character creater looks realy nice. It was shown with Kevin Perara desiging what appared to be a bean with a broken back. It had really long legs, and arms just as long with little claws. 2 eyes on the head, and 2 on the back, as well as 15 mouths. What he did in a miniut, a designer would have doen in a week. The computer then figgered out how it should attack, walk, and sound, as well as what it should eat. The computer also figgers out how strong or fast it should be. How hight it can jump, whatever. and this was only at the bug level.
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